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Realized projects

Days of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly in the Arab Republic of Egypt
"Eurasian Friendship School" (for schoolchildren)
Eurasian High Fashion Competition of national costume ETNO ERATO, December 7 – 8, 2019
International Teleconference “Meeting on Elbe 75”, April 24, 2020 at 4 p.m. (Moscow time)
International Tourism Festival-Contest of Video, Photo and Animation “Divo of Eurasia” – 2018
International Exhibition of Light and Textile Industry "Eurasian Fashion Forum"
International Festival of Children and Youth Media “Sunflower”      
Eurasian High Fashion Competition of national costume ETNO ERATO, December 15-16, 2018
Eurasian Peoples’ Health Saving
International festival “Craft Fair-2018: from antiquity to modernity”
Rally "Ancestral Call - 2019"
ХХII Евразийский конкурс высокой моды национального костюма «Этно-Эрато 2023»
Cycling expedition "Belts and Paths of Eurasia"
Staff reserve of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly
IV Eurasian Literary Festival of Festivals "LiFFT", September 30 - October 3, 2019
Issyk-Kul International Youth Forum “New Generation of Eurasia”, September 23-28, 2019
Second Eurasian Bakery Forum, May 15-17,  2018
Eurasian High Fashion Contest of the National Costume
Eurasian High Fashion Contest of the National Costume «ETHNO-ERATO - 2022”
III Eurasian Literary Festival of Festivals "LiFFT", May 24 – 28, 2018
International exhibition "EURASIA-EXPO: Transport corridors - 2018", September 26-27, 2018
Eurasian Transcontinental Cycling Marathon "The Way of Peace", October 17, 2016 - May 26, 2018
THE WORLD - My Family History
"Eurasian Friendship School" (for schoolchildren), July 15 -27, 2018
III International Youth Festival of Folk Art and Multimedia "Young Arctic",  August 15- 27, 2018
Eurasian project "Children. Flowers. Life"
General Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly | July 9, 2021