The unique Cultural and Historical Expocentre of the Sun was opened in Novosibirsk on May 3, on the International Day of the Sun. The initiators and creators of the center are members of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Irina and Svetozar Darnevs.
Expocentre grew out of the private collection of Valery Lipenkov, which included mainly his woodwork. The new exposition of the Museum of the Sun on the territory of more than 1000 square meters houses historical reconstructions of the life of ancient peoples, exhibits and artifacts related to Ancient Russia, Egypt, Indochina, Nepal and Tibet, North and South America, Altai, Africa.
The renovated Cultural and Historical Expocentre of the Sun is a unique project that has no analogues. The main purpose of creating the center is to preserve and study the cultural and historical heritage of the traditions of the Sun worship of ancient civilizations, the comprehensive development of the individual through immersion in the history and culture of the ancient peoples worshiping the Sun. The Expocenter was also created for additional education and meeting the aesthetic needs of visitors. It involves a lot of educational work, including a variety of master classes, trainings, lectures, exhibitions, forums.
The opening ceremony was attended by: Deputy Governor of the Novosibirsk Region Sergey Semka, Deputy Minister of Culture of the Novosibirsk Region Grigory Milogulov, a delegation of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly consisting of Secretary General Andrei Belyaninov, First Deputy Secretary General - Head of the General Secretariat Svetlana Smirnova, members of the Council for Spiritual Culture.
The Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly presented Irina and Svetozar Darnevs with the Letter of Thanks “For the preservation and development of spiritual culture, the popularization of the cultural heritage of peoples and a significant contribution to strengthening international humanitarian cooperation”.