As part of the “WON TOGETHER” Film Marathon, screenings of documentaries - winners and prize-winners of the Vladimir Menshov International Film Festival of the same name - continue. Also, in educational institutions of Russian regions, the organizers hold creative meetings with the authors of the films.
On April 2, 2024, screenwriter and director Fyodor Babenko from St. Petersburg conducted an online master class after students at the Academy of Media Industry (Moscow) watched his short film “The Siege Cookbook”
After watching a 10-minute film, the students did not let go of Fyodor Babenko for 40 minutes. According to the young people, the director’s work not only caused a storm of emotions, but also inspired them to create their own works:
“Fyodor Babenko is a director with a fresh look at documentary cinema, who managed to succinctly and harmoniously combine form and content, to talk about a large-scale tragedy briefly and to the point, touching the feelings of both small and large viewers.”
“I really want the film “The Siege Cookbook” to be shown in schools. The director's ideas and non-standard solutions inspire the search for new forms. After the meeting, some of us came up with ideas for creating our own films.”
“It was important to learn from the first person about the technology of film production, about those moments that are known only to the author and director. Thank you for an interesting meeting!”
As the organizers of the film marathon said, earlier at the Kazan Institute of Culture, where a film screening was also held, students were stunned by how much meaning the author managed to put into an experimental 10-minute film.
The organizers - the Eurasian Academy of Television and Radio, the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, hold the International Film Festival "WON TOGETHER" and the Film Marathon of its films with the support of the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives and the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.