On the holiday of the White Month - Sagaalgan, children from Buryatia showed their peers a film about BAM. The head of the regional branch of the ANO “EURASIA KIDS” and the League of Young Journalists of Russia, Lyudmila Dorzhieva, spoke about this. 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the start of construction of the Baikal-Amur Mainline.
The film was presented by the Buryatia cadets at the XIV Open City Festival-Competition of Children's and Youth Films and Television "Vesyolaya Larga". 600 works were presented at the competition.
Among the participants were guys not only from Russia. The media workers were from the Republic of Belarus, Egypt, Cyprus and the Netherlands. The guys from the village of Arshan in the Republic of Buryatia, with their work, recalled the anniversary of the great Soviet construction project - the Baikal-Amur Mainline.
The story of the Soviet “construction of the century” was told to young journalists by Lyudmila Dorzhieva, a recognized expert on children’s media, laureate of the State Prize in education. One day Lyudmila Budazhapovna brought the pioneers - the builders of the Baikal-Amur Mainline - to a meeting with the guys.
“First, the guys prepared a video on the topic “BAM - construction of the century.” It is surprising that before this they did not even know about this page of history. The story of the legendary foremen about life and construction delighted young jornalists. Bamovites in the first generation became the main characters of the television program, which took first place at the Vesyolaya Larga festival,” shared Lyudmila Dorzhieva.
It has already become a good tradition for the participants of the “EURASDIA KIDS” project from Buryatia to represent their republic with bright concert performances in national costumes. This time, the guys congratulated everyone on the upcoming Buddhist New Year with their performances.