VI International Arctic Summit "Arctic: Prospects, Innovations and Development of Regions" | June 08-10, 2022

13/04/2022 18:25

The VI International Arctic Summit "Arctic: Prospects, Innovations and Development of Regions" (Arctic-2022 St. Petersburg) will be held on June 8-10, 2022 in two cities: Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The Summit will take place during the Russian presidency (2021-2023) in the Arctic Council and is timed to coincide with the Polar Explorer's Day, which has been celebrated in Russia annually since 2013. This is a sign of recognition of the merits of people working at the North and South Poles of the Earth.

The Summit events will be held at the sites of two of the oldest leading universities in Russia.

On June 8, 2022, the capital of Russia, Moscow, at Moscow Automobile and Road State Technical University (MADI) will host the opening of the Summit, the Main Session on the Sustainable Development of the Arctic Zone of Russia, a Transport session on the integrated development of the transport infrastructure of the Arctic zone, as well as a Round Table on Arctic Technologies and Innovations for improving transport systems.

On June 9, 2022, the Summit will be held in the Northern Capital, at St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University ("LETI"). It will include the Grand Opening of the Summit, dedicated to the 350th anniversary of Peter the Great, a Plenary Session on the Implementation of the new state policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic until 2035 and a special session dedicated to the Chairmanship of Russia in 2021-2023 in the Arctic Council.

Traditionally, the Summit will host a competition for the best research work on the sustainable development of the Arctic among students and postgraduates of the country's universities. Since 2021, the competition has expanded its audience to high school students of Russian schools.

On June 10, 2022, the Summit will end with a cultural program in the unforgettable atmosphere of the white nights of the Northern Capital.

We invite everyone to take part in the Summit in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

All information is on the website