On March 29, 2024, the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation hosted a round table “Experience in implementing China’s national policy: lessons and prospects” organized by the Dorzhiev Society of Ethno-Geopolitics. The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly acted as an information partner for the event.
Scientists, economists, and experts on Chinese national policy gathered at the discussion platform. Vladimir Zorin, Chairman of the Commission of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation on the harmonization of interethnic and interreligious relations, addressed the participants of the round table with an opening speech.
Maxim Mikhalev, scientific director of the Scientific Student Association “Dorzhiev Society of Ethno-Geopolitics”, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities, drew attention to the relevance of the topic and the importance of the round table format: “The platform, we are holding the round table today, is a unique place, where scientists, public figures, and young people can communicate together and come to interesting conclusions that are usually not reached when everyone communicates within their own circle.”
Experts at the round table discussed the changes that need to be made to the strategy of national policy of the Russian Federation, as well as the main problems of implementing the country’s foreign policy strategy in relation to cross-border regions and the peoples living there.
The Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly has been cooperating with members of the Dorzhiev Society of Ethno-Geopolitics for several years – joint round tables and discussion platforms are held. In April 2024, the Assembly will once again bring together members of the Dorzhiev Society, scientists, experts, cultural figures and youth for dialogue on current issues of ethnopolitical processes.
For reference:
The Dorzhiev Society of Ethno-Geopolitics strives to create conditions for the realization of creative potential, preservation and enhancement of the traditions of the scientific school of the Russian State Humanitarian University in the field of anthropology and geopolitics in relation to ethnopolitical processes and the role of small nations in the relationships of major political players. The society studies the role of indigenous peoples in world processes, the problems of past colonial policies and neo-colonialism, develops scenarios and recommendations for using the potential of indigenous peoples in world politics.
The association is named after Agvan Dorzhiev, a religious and public figure in Russia, a supporter of rapprochement between Tibet and the Russian Empire.