Moscow – Chisinau: on the Historical Education of Youth and Countering the Falsification of History

21/11/2023 16:40

On November 19, 2023, a round table “Historical education of youth” was held at the headquarters of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly. It was organized jointly with the Congress of Russian Communities of the Republic of Moldova. The main goal of the dialogue is to analyze the problem of historical literacy of young people, coordinate efforts to work with young people and to counter the falsification of history.

The round table meeting was held in a hybrid format. Participants from Moldova got in touch from the M.V. Lomonosov Chisinau Library.

History teachers, representatives of libraries, museums and public organizations involved in the popularization of historical knowledge and patriotic education of youth, as well as schoolchildren - activists and winners of the Republican competition on the history of Russia, held in Moldova by the Russian Intellectual Center - were invited to the dialogue platform.

Teachers from various Moldovan cities and villages took part in the round table in a remote format.

Teachers had the opportunity to give their own assessment of the historical literacy of young people and make proposals on forms and methods of popularizing historical knowledge. Members of the Council on Historical Memory of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly shared specific experience in historical education of representatives of the younger generation.

Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Valery Ruzin spoke about the results of the XVIII Vladimir Menshov International Film Festival “WON TOGETHER”, which took place on November 4 - 9 in Sochi. The round table also discussed how to organize screenings of the best films of the film festival in Moldova. Russian experts also shared their experience of film clubs and online lectures with their Moldovan colleagues.

During the discussion, there was a presentation of useful and interesting Internet resources for young people, such as, for example, “Digital History”. Teachers can use this resource to search for lectures and demonstrate material to students and schoolchildren. The media platform of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly “Network of History” was also presented as a tool for historical education of youth.

An important issue of discussion was the possibility of connecting the M.V. Lomonosov Chisinau Library to Russian library collections, in particular, containing a large amount of historical literature.

As a result of the meeting, representatives of the Congress of Russian Communities of the Republic of Moldova expressed their readiness to regularly participate in international events of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly and, in turn, invite experts from the Assembly to participate in their own projects.