Greater Asia: The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly held the International People's Diplomacy Forum

06/07/2022 18:00

The unity of the peoples of Eurasia is an urgent need for the further development of the Greater Eurasian Partnership. This idea became the leitmotif of the plenary session of the International People’s Diplomacy Forum. The large-scale event was held by the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly. The occasion was the first, 5-year anniversary of the organization.

More than 500 representatives of public organizations, business, science, culture, sports, mass media, state, political and public figures arrived in Moscow to congratulate the international union on the holiday and take part in the discussions of the forum.

The Eurasian partnership is a multilevel and multilateral cooperation. How to develop the cooperation of peoples in various fields of activity was discussed at the panel sessions. Economy, science, culture, sports, historical heritage and new interaction protocols - the participants of the meetings shared their experience and projects that are just beginning to be implemented. For example, the head of an Italian public organization, Elena Repman, presented an educational hub in Rwanda and its branch in Haiti. Representatives of the countries of the Middle East also focused on the need to create international scientific and technical centres. The speakers of the session dedicated to science diplomacy have already proposed a number of specific solutions to implement these projects in the near future.

Several meetings were devoted to spiritual culture and cultural and humanitarian cooperation. The main mission of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly is the formation of the consciousness of a person of the third millennium. According to the leaders of the organization, such a person is responsible, relies on spiritual and moral principles, honors traditions and family values.

As for the material side of life, key statements were made here. Thus, Sergey Glazyev, Minister for Integration and Macroeconomics of the Eurasian Economic Commission, noted that a new world currency may soon appear, and this will be facilitated by the formation of broad international coalitions. The politician called for joint efforts to strive for such a union.

Whatever topics were discussed within the forum, participants from different countries agreed that cooperation is necessary. Association and cooperation will allow countries to develop and open up opportunities for raising both the material and spiritual standard of living. Such unanimity has become another illustration of the fact that the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly is becoming an increasingly authoritative international platform that affirms the ideology of peace and benevolent good neighbourliness between countries and peoples.
