The Experience of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly on Digitalization International Conference of Search Teams in Kazakhstan

27/09/2023 12:23

Almaty hosted the International Conference “Shared history. Shared victory. Shared memory". About 100 search teams from different regions of Russia, the Republics of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan came to the southern capital of the Republic of Kazakhstan to share experiences and discuss current issues in preserving historical memory. The representatives of regional departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the internal policy departments of the republic joined the conference online. The experience of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in preserving historical memory, including the use of digital technologies, was presented by the Deputy Secretary General Valery Ruzin.

On the first day of the conference, participants discussed the contribution of the countries participating in the Second World War to the Victory over fascism, search methods, presented reports on the topic “Evacuation hospitals on the territory of the countries participating in the Second World War,” and also shared their experience in preserving historical memory.

The first to address the participants with a welcoming speech was the Deputy Chairman of the RPO "Veterans of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan", Major General Marat Nagumanov.

“For me personally and my family, for our entire organization, and for all of Kazakhstan, today is a significant day. This is the third time we have met on the site of Kazakhstan with our colleagues and like-minded people from different countries and different cities of Kazakhstan to preserve the memory of that terrible war, of the heroism and spirit of our fathers and grandfathers, who showed the most honorable qualities in difficult times. We believe that preserving the memory of the Great Patriotic War is extremely important for maintaining global peace and prosperity. It is necessary to remember that today the preservation of peace is an urgent and priority task for all states and humanity as a whole," - said Marat Seraliyevich.

Executive Secretary of the Search Movement of Russia Elena Tsunaeva recalled that this year the Search Movement celebrated its 35th anniversary. In 1988, all those who were involved in perpetuating the memory of the heroism of our defenders gathered in Kaluga. Among them were representatives of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

“... I think that everyone will agree that the work we are all doing together, is a very important basis for our historical communication. And it is important to work with our youth, because the theme of generational continuity is very prominent in our search work”- said Elena Tsunaeva, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Executive Secretary of the Search Movement of Russia.

Search activities are inextricably linked with the Ministry of Defense. Search expeditions and work with databases is organized under its support.

“Finally, mankind has come technologically to a situation where digital technologies are emerging and we can combine micro- and macro-technologies for historical research. In particular, search and memorial work. Digital technologies help us today to connect each individual with the general history of the country. This is a very important point the Search Movement bears in mind in its work like no one else. Today it is possible to identify information ranging from the fighter's family to the operation he took part,” - emphasized Alla Kirillina, Deputy Director of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for perpetuating the memory of those killed in defense of the Fatherland, Doctor of Philology.

Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Valery Ruzin shared the Assembly's experience in digitalizing the preservation of historical memory on the History Network Media Platform, demonstrating the possibility of information interaction between search teams of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and other countries.

Tatyana Astafieva, member of the Coordination Council of the “Search Movement of Russia” for the Ural Federal District, in her report “Comprehensive research on the identification of those killed in 1941-1945.” spoke about modern methods of storing information with subsequent identification of soldiers. She noted the 3D project on scanning and restoration of the soldiers’ look by skull reconstruction and showed the result of collaboration with the laboratory of anthropological reconstruction.

At the end of the conference business program, Elena Tsunaeva presented the “Cranes” – a memorial token for support and contribution to the development of the Search Movement - to the Deputy Chairman of the ROO “Veterans of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan”, Major General Marat Nagumanov and the Chairman of the Board of the NGO “Atamnyn Amanaty” Murat Moldagaliev.

On the final day, participants of the international conference, together with students of “Zhas Sarbaz” from Astana, laid flowers at the Eternal Flame at the “Feat” Glory Memorial in the park named after 28 Panfilov Guardsmen. And then, there was organized a tour on of the main attractions of Almaty for the conference participants.

The event was organized by: “Search Movement of Russia”, Public Association “Atamnyn Amanaty” with the support of the Presidential Grants Foundation.

Photo: Search Movement of Russia.