The World Youth Festival is the largest international youth event that will be held in Russia in 2024 by Decree of Russian President V.V. Putin in order to develop international youth cooperation.
The festival will be held on the federal territory of “Sirius” on March 1 - 7, 2024. Then, on March - 17, 2024, a regional program will take place. During the program foreign participants will visit 30 Russian cities and get acquainted with the history and multinational Russian culture, visit iconic memorial sites and large industrial technological enterprises.
20 thousand young leaders will participate in the Festival - 10 thousand Russian citizens and the same number of foreigners from all continents of the globe. WYF -2024 will bring together activists and representatives of business, media, education, science, international cooperation, culture, volunteering and charity, sports and other fields. For the first time, teenagers aged 14 to 17 will be able to join the large-scale festival movement - 500 from Russia and 500 from abroad.
The main goal of the Festival is to help build connections between young and active people from all over the planet, who will have to build a common future together - a fair multipolar world based on cooperation and finding a balance of interests.
The festival program is built around a set of universal human values. And the youth of the whole world are invited to comprehend them together and exchange ideas on how to build a future world on this basis. It includes not only discussions and lectures by eminent experts, but also an exhibition program, cultural exchange, sports competitions and joint training, volunteer events and other interactive formats.
It is important to note that the Festival will not be limited to the main venue, WYF will go beyond its borders and will attract active youth from all over the world, who, for some reason, will not be able to join it in Sirius. Young people from other countries will also be able to become part of the Festival online, and in the future, interaction with them will continue on a systematic basis.
After the main program, the WYF will continue to march across the country - regional “Act!” festivals will be held in each subject of the Russian Federation: the volunteers and participants who returned from Sirius will become ambassadors of the ideas of the Festival and pass on its legacy to the youth of all Russia.
Applications for participation have already been received from more than 155 countries. 15 National Preparatory Committees for the Festival have also been formed - they have already begun work in Spain, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Israel, Yemen, Iraq, Liberia, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Mexico, Panama, Honduras, as well as in the Caribbean. The tasks of the Committees include the selection of foreign participants, the creation of foreign delegations, as well as the popularization of WYF-2024 in the participating countries. In addition, after the World Youth Festival, the National Preparatory Committees will become the basis for the formation of an active international youth movement in the participating countries. In the near future, another 40 Committees will be opened in foreign countries.
The mascot of the World Youth Festival is everyone’s favorite hero, symbolizing kindness, openness and friendship - Cheburashka. The presentation of the WYF-2024 mascot and the official song of the Festival took place on August 20 as part of the closing ceremony of the festival of youth art “Tavrida.ART”.
The choice of the hero is not accidental: Cheburashka became the mascot of the World Youth Festival because he personifies its core values - friendliness and mutual respect. Cheburashka is unlike anyone else and at the same time close in spirit to all the good people in the world. He is open to everything new and believes in a better, fair future for everyone. Cheburashka is an important element of the cultural code of Russia, widely known abroad. This hero has become one of the most beloved characters of several generations of Soviet and Russian children, and with the recent release of a full-length film, he has found new life and popularity among modern youth. He is known and loved in many countries of the world for his modesty, friendliness and spontaneity, which make him charming, despite his unusual appearance.
WYF-2024 is a dialogue, a search for mutual understanding regardless of nationalities and political views, as well as mutual enrichment of cultures and traditions of different peoples without imposing uniform standards.
The World Youth Festival is open to everyone, and everyone can become a part of it by applying on the website fest2024.com as a participant or volunteer.