The Winner of the II International Contest of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly "Leader of People's Diplomacy" continues Working on the Project

05/07/2024 16:24
Победитель II-го международного конкурса Ассамблеи народов Евразии «Лидер народной дипломатии» продолжает работу над проектом

The leader of the project “Volgograd/Port Said: Cities of Heroes” Kiryakous Abdelmalak, 6th year student of Volgograd State Medical University - winner of the II International Competition “Leader of Public Diplomacy” held by the Assembly, took part in the opening of a street sign with a QR code, when you click on it Videos about the twinning of Volgograd with Port Said will be shown.

Volgograd Medical State University takes an active part in the Public Diplomacy Forum “Dialogue on the Volga: Peace and Mutual Understanding in the 21st Century”. Four projects developed by Volgograd State Medical University, which are at different stages of development and implementation, were discussed today.

Geography - Egypt, Jordan, Iran and India. Partners of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly from the city on the Volga River provided organization and hosting of a master class "Design with Russia" for the Association of Foreign Students of Russia, as well as a roundtable discussion "NGOs as a resource for supporting Russian compatriots living abroad and developing public diplomacy".

Participants of the event, representatives of NGOs and compatriots living abroad, heads of Russian houses in India and Jordan and authorized executive authorities shared opinions and ideas that help to successfully implement projects for the development of public diplomacy and support for compatriots. The project “Volgograd / Port Said: Cities of Heroes” by a 6th year student of Volgograd State Medical University from Egypt, Kiryakous Abdelmalak became the “bronze” winner of the II International Competition “Leader of Public Diplomacy”, the final of which took place within the First International Catherine Forum in Moscow.

An Egyptian student from Volgograd was also awarded by the National Center for Public Diplomacy of Uzbekistan.

Let us recall that public leadership projects connect all countries and peoples of the continent. The project “Russia/Iran: Dialogue of Cultures” received the support of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly and will be implemented until the end of October 2024: a photo exhibition of works by Viktor Morozkin will be exhibited at the Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, and an exchange of visits by the winners of the essay competition on the culture and history of Russia and Iran will take place in October 2024.