Valery Ruzin, Deputy Secretary General and President of the Eurasian Academy of Television and Radio, Honored Cinematographer of Russia, shared his thoughts in an exclusive interview for the website of the International Russophile Movement within the General Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly.
The world today unites on the principles clear to all. These principles, which emerged from the Great Victory, are the foundation for modern international co-operation. Resolutions of the United Nations organization, confirming these principles, play a key role in maintaining historical truth.
However, historical truth is sometimes subjected to perversion and falsification. Valery Ruzin emphasized the importance of protecting historical truth from distortion. He noted that silence about the past, including events related to the activities of the OUN-UPA Banderites in Ukraine, is a form of historical colorblindness, which only increases evil.
According to Ruzin, the role of public diplomacy is becoming more and more important in modern conditions. The difficulties of conducting major international initiatives at the state level require the active participation of public organizations.
In this context, he stressed that the General Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, being the largest international organization in this sphere, should intensify its activities, especially in light of the 85th anniversary of the Victory. This will unite reasonable people for whom the values of human civilization are important.