Today Shidakova Zuhra Khajimakhmudovna celebrates Her Birthday

20/05/2024 14:38

Today, Shidakova Zukhra Khajimakhmudovna, the must -have Deputy Chairman of the Council of the Assembly of the People of Kyrgyzstan, President of the Public Association "International Association of Karachais "Ata-Jurt" celebrates her birthday.

Our dear and beautiful Zuhra Khajimakhmudovna,

We sincerely congratulate you on such a significant event - your anniversary!

On behalf of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, we wish that all your dreams and desires come true, that life lasts as long as possible, becomes more diverse and filled with bright and memorable events! Let there be more joyful moments, fun meetings. Be successful at all times and in everything!