Photo: palitra-diaspor.ru
On December 4, First Deputy Secretary General - Head of the General Secretariat of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Svetlana Smirnova greeted the participants of the International scientific and practical conference “Humanism and unity of the people of Uzbekistan during the Second World War in scientific discoveries”, organized by the Central State Archive of Film and Photo Documents of Uzbekistan and the “Uzarchiv” Agency.
Svetlana Smirnova said in her welcoming speech:
- In the year of the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory in the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War, it is the duty of all of us living generations to unite in the sacred memory of the most tragic period of the 20th century. Our duty is to jointly preserve the historical truth about the Second World War and its victims, about the exploits and heroism of peoples, to do everything to prevent such tragedies from recurring.
The main goal of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly is peaceful interaction of the Eurasian peoples. Based on the diversity of cultures and peoples, their spiritual and moral foundations, the common sense of the intrinsic value of human life for all, we support and promote public and state initiatives aimed at preserving the cultural and historical heritage of mankind.
Throughout the three years of its existence, the Assembly has been paying great attention to the preservation of historical memory. In the anniversary year of the Great Victory, we have combined events dedicated to this topic into one large international project called “VICTORIOUS TOGETHER – in the name of Peace”.
We invite Uzbek partners and everyone to cooperate. Defending the truth about the events of 75 years ago, we together reinforce the truth about the role of peoples in the Great Victory, about the exploits of their best sons, about the strength of the human spirit and about the national unity power.
For reference
Eurasian Peoples' Assembly
Eurasian Peoples' Assembly is an international non-governmental organization that aims to form a social integration model in the name of establishing peace and harmony through the development of multilateral cooperation and public (people's) diplomacy. At present, the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly brings together representatives of more than 40 countries.
Megaproject “VICTORIOUS TOGETHER - in the name of Peace”
Megaproject of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly “VICTORIOUS TOGETHER - in the name of Peace” – includes international public forums to preserve the historical memory of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War; Sevastopol International Festival of Documentary Films and TV Programs VICTORIOUS TOGETHER, international commemorative actions in honour of the landmark events of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War and other events. Information and news of Megaproject is in a special section.