First Deputy Secretary General - Head of the General Secretariat of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Svetlana Smirnova became a speaker at the All-Russian Forum with international participation "Russia – Peoples’ Home". The Forum is one of the main events to celebrate the Year of the Family in the Russian Federation.
Representatives of foreign states, government bodies of the Russian Federation, the clergy, the expert community, socially responsible business, Federal national-cultural autonomies of Russia, public figures and leaders of the agenda for promoting traditional values, and large families gathered together at the dialogue platform.
The main goals of the Forum are to support and develop family values, strengthen family relationships and increase public interest in the topic of family, as well as popularize traditional values in society - a strong family, the image of a mother, father and large families in Russia.
One of the key Forum sections, the “Russian Civilization. Traditional value guidelines of the peoples of Russia" held in a round table format, was devoted to current issues of ensuring the protection, popularization and strengthening of traditional spiritual and moral values. In her speech, Svetlana Smirnova spoke about the role of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly in this process.
The speaker noted that the Assembly is an International Union of non-governmental organizations and citizens who share and promote the ideas and values of Eurasian integration. Since its foundation in 2017, the Assembly has been increasing the number of economic, scientific and cultural projects, making a huge contribution to uniting the peoples of Eurasia. The organization unites more than 800 members in 50 countries. The mission and goal of the Assembly is peace, harmony, partnership, good neighborliness between peoples.
The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly professes the concept of diplomacy of happiness: it involves the use of diplomatic methods to create a favorable atmosphere in society and strengthen spiritual and moral values. Within the concept, a number of projects are being implemented: the magazine “Aggregator of Happiness”, postcards “Letters of Happiness”, the International festival-competition “The World Draws Happiness”.
Every year, the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly celebrates International Mother Language Day in various formats. The purpose of the events is to find ways to expand linguistic and intercultural communication of peoples, to promote multilingualism in the interests of Eurasian integration.
At the regular International Forum of Spiritual Harmony, a wide range of cultural, humanitarian, axiological issues are raised to strengthen interethnic and interreligious dialogue, mutual respect and peaceful coexistence of peoples.
The Assembly supports the International Art Project “Angels of Peace,” which brings together artists from 26 countries. It already has 366 paintings created by professional painters and amateurs. The paintings are dedicated to the image of the Guardian Angel and the Higher Powers, helping people in their movement forward, for creation, love, and preservation of peace on Earth.
One of the outstanding projects of the Assembly is the international scientific and ethnographic project “Weddings of the Peoples of the World: Cultural Heritage.” The project is aimed at preserving the unique wedding traditions of the peoples of the world as a monument of intangible cultural heritage with the assistance of UNESCO. It involves the study of traditional wedding rituals of the peoples of the world: Udmurts, Masai, Nenets, Tuvans and others. The book-album “Traditional Nenets Wedding” of the series “The Library of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly” was published under the auspices of the Russian Federation Commission for UNESCO in three languages (Russian, Nenets and English).
Since 2018, the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly has been a co-organizer of the Eurasian high fashion competition of national costume “ETHNO-ERATO”. Its goal is to strengthen intercultural communications, develop cooperation between ethnocultural public associations and government agencies in the field of interethnic relations; mutual enrichment of cultures of the peoples of Eurasia; preservation of national identity, cultural and historical heritage.
In 2023, masters from 8 foreign countries (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, India, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Korea, Belarus, Cameroon) and 30 regions of the Russian Federation took part in the competition.
One of the unique projects of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, which has no analogues in Eurasia, is the Eurasian festival of family amateur theaters “A Fairy Tale Comes to Your Home.” The project is being implemented by the Assembly together with the ANO “Theater of the Good Fairy Tale”. The Festival of Family Amateur Theaters allows us to strengthen Russia’s position as a country that proclaims the traditional family as the basis of society and the highest value; creates an infrastructure for uniting families from different countries through culture and creativity. This is especially important in the Year of the Family, declared by the President of the Russian Federation.