On April 23, 2024, in Khanty-Mansiysk, during the V All-Russian Forum of National Unity under the auspices of the International Organization of Northern Regions “Northern Forum”, an international teleconference “Traditional knowledge: acquisition, transmission and protection” took place.
The teleconference was attended by representatives of the indigenous peoples of the North, representatives of the international community - public diplomats from Armenia, Egypt, Mexico, Moldova, the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, Romania, Syria, representatives of the Russian Center for Science and Culture "Russian House" in Budapest, the SCO Center for Public Diplomacy in Uzbekistan, the International Organization of Northern Regions “Northern Forum”, the Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples of the Russian Federation, State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company “Mordovia”, heads of public organizations, the youth community of Ugra State University.
The organizer of international dialogue and cooperation at the site was the Eurasian Center for Project Initiatives ANO under the leadership of Natalia Zabolotskikh.
Executive Director of the International Organization of Northern Regions “Northern Forum” Vladimir Vasiliev addressed the teleconference participants with a welcoming speech:
“I greet you from the city of Tomsk, where the Second Forum of Associations and Consortia of Northern Territories is taking place now. In cooperation with the Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of Russia, this year we plan a number of events at the sites of the Eastern Economic Forum and the Northern Forum on Sustainable Development. The resumption of activities of the Arctic Council gives hope for continued cooperation on the digitalization of the culture and heritage of indigenous peoples.”
Member of the Presidium of the Association of Finno-Ugric Peoples of Russia, Candidate of Economic Sciences, head of the Finno-Ugric department of Ugra State University Tatyana Dyatlova said that Ugra’s experience in supporting the indigenous peoples of the North was of interest to United Nations experts. On April 15 - 21, 2024, Tatyana Aleksandrovna took part in the 23rd session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues in New York as part of the Russian delegation, presented projects for the development of a green economy in places where indigenous peoples live, and the “IT Camp” projects, "Encampment school-garden".
The speaker noted: “The experience of Ugra is of interest to international experts. Russia and Yugra are open for cooperation on social and cultural projects.”
President of the Association of Finno-Ugric Writers, Deputy Chairman of the Duma - Chairman of the Assembly of Representatives of Indigenous Peoples of the North of the Duma of the Autonomous Okrug, Khanty writer Eremey Aipin invited participants of the teleconference to the All-Russian Conference of Finno-Ugric Writers with international participation, which will be held in Khanty-Mansiysk in the fall of 2024.
Natalya Makovetskaya, chief editor of the national broadcasting group VGTRK State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Yugoria", and the head of the Ugra "Union of Masters" Nadezhda Moldanova shared their experience in researching the art of northern peoples, popularizing the culture of indigenous peoples and preserving their identity.
Taras and Svetlana Marushchak from the Nefteyugansk region took part in the online connection from the IT camp. The family shared their experience in developing the organization of ethnotourism:
“The project makes it possible to always be in touch, connect to the Internet without leaving the camp, and develop the place where we live. Now, thanks to the project, we are undergoing online training at the school of social entrepreneurship.”
President of the public organization “Saving Ugra” Lyudmila Alferova shared her experience of working on the “IT camp” project and noted that this year the public organization “Saving Ugra” turns 35 years old:
“I would like to take this opportunity to note the growth of public consciousness, when the creative intelligentsia pays special attention to the preservation of the culture and languages of indigenous peoples and passes on knowledge to young people.”
Representatives of the international community presented their practices for preserving the linguistic environment and creativity of the world's indigenous peoples, and studied the Ugra practices presented during the teleconference.
In her address, Natalia Zabolotskikh, General Director of the ANO “Eurasian Center for Project Initiatives”, General Director of Sirius Consulting LLC, coordinator of the international competition “Leader of Public Diplomacy”, political scientist, noted:
“Public diplomacy allows you to share experience, unite common efforts around the most effective practices for preserving historical memory, language, culture, traditions, knowledge, despite geopolitical difficulties, helps to find and unite creators from all over the world, conveying the idea of everyone’s responsibility for their thoughts and words, actions. The leader today is not the one who knows how to push, but the one who knows how to unite and harmonize.”
Director of the SCO Center for Public Diplomacy in Uzbekistan Kabuljon Sabirov presented the practices of the Center, noted the value of the existing relationship with the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug-Ugra, proposed new prospects for cooperation with the Public Diplomacy Foundation “Eurasian Association of Women Regional Leaders”, with which a Cooperation Agreement was signed in April 2022.
People's diplomat from Armenia Vahan Sahakyan received the Ugra delegation in Yerevan the day before. During the cultural and educational mission, agreements were reached on cooperation at the site of the international project “North for Victory. Everyone for the cause of peace." He emphasized that many contacts and projects that are currently being implemented arose during the period of participation in the First International Competition “Leader of Public Diplomacy” in 2022.
The President of the historical and cultural organization “Cantemir” Vladislav Dumanov from Moldova noted that the preservation of historical memory is important for peoples:
“We support the media expedition “Victory in our hearts.” We hope that our patriotic projects will be connected with Khanty-Mansiysk through public diplomacy and will be able to develop and scale with the support of the Government of the Autonomous Okrug.”
General Director of the ANO “Directorate of Sports and Social Programs “Eurasiada” Ilya Lomako presented a new format of competitions in national and non-Olympic sports “Eurasiada” and proposed to consider the option of holding such competitions on the territory of the Autonomous Okrug. “In addition to sports disciplines, cultural, educational and scientific events are being held in parallel aimed at popularizing the heritage of the world’s indigenous peoples,” - the expert said, emphasizing that proposals for cooperation have already been sent to the region.
The Chairman of the Council of People's Deputies of Bendery, Yuri Kara, continuing the topic of sports, proposed considering the possibility of holding international competitions between sister cities.
“At the same time, add our traditionally national games to the list of games. The forms and methods of exchanging experiences may be different, but the goal is the same: to preserve national identity and the uniqueness of national cultures and strengthen the spiritual community between them. In the name of developing friendship, cooperation and peaceful dialogue,” he emphasized.
President of the Association of Compatriots in Romania “Our World”, Doctor of Sociology Irina Budrina noted that I don’t want to leave the path of “people’s diplomacy”, despite the fact that Rossotrudnichestvo and Russian schools have been closed in Romania. She shared initiatives that make it possible to preserve the Russian language, traditions and culture in the country and expressed her intention to take part in the international forum, which will be held in the Autonomous Okrug this fall.
Ksenia Yakhnenko, head of the Latin America region at the World Alliance of Russian-Speaking Women Entrepreneurs, Ambassador of the “Eurasia Global Forum 2022-2023” from Mexico, spoke about her projects based on the interpenetration of Russian and Mexican cultures. In particular, about the first interactive online magazine “Katrina” and the international project “Mexitreshka”. It has deep cultural and emotional overtones and helps the two countries learn more about each other.
Ugra's experience in implementing projects to preserve the traditional way of life of indigenous peoples is highly appreciated by experts from foreign countries - they expressed a desire to continue cooperation with the district outside the forum site.
“The dialogue based on mutual respect that we have today will allow us to unite public diplomats from different parts of the world and meet on Ugra soil,” said Natalia Zabolotskikh, announcing the holding of the International Competition “Leader of Public Diplomacy” in Ugra in 2024.