The anniversary 5th International Arctic Summit “The Arctic and Offshore Projects: Prospects, Innovation and Regional Development” (Arctic - 2021 St. Petersburg) will be held on May 26 - 28, 2021 for the first time in two cities: Moscow and St. Petersburg.
The main events of the Summit will be held in St. Petersburg in Petro Congress on the Petrograd side. In Moscow it will be held in the Russian University of Transport RUT (MIIT) of the Ministry of Transport of Russia, the largest branch university in Russia, which has had a glorious history since 1896.
Special Session 1 and Round Table on Innovative Transport Systems and Technologies of the Summit will be held on May 26, 2021 in Moscow. The grand opening of the Summit will take place in St. Petersburg on May 27, 2021. It will be dedicated to the Northern Capital Day, and the third day of the Summit on May 28, 2021 will be dedicated to the Polar Explorer Day.
The summit was organized by the Arctic Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly together with the Arctic Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Arctic Oil and Gas Technologies of the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (NRU) and the Russian University of Transport (RUT (MIIT). The Summit is supported by the St. Petersburg Committee on Arctic Affairs, the Association “Energy and Civil Society”, the Union of Oil and Gas Producers of Russia, the National Association of Oil and Gas Services, the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Union of Cities of the Arctic and the Far North, the Association “Composite Cluster of St. Petersburg”, the Scientific and Expert Council for the North-western Federal District of the Working Group in the field of energy of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation, the Institute of Engineering Physics, as well as leading organizations of the Arctic sector. The summit is timed to coincide with the Day of Russian Science.
The development of the Arctic is the most important strategic priority of Russia, and the introduction in the region of new, convergent technologies, adaptive materials, world-class research is of crucial importance. The Summit will cover the whole range of issues on the effective implementation of the new state policy of a vast and unique region, which is the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, especially in the light of the adopted Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2020 No. 164 "On the Fundamentals of State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic on period until 2035”. The problems of small and medium-sized businesses in the Arctic will also be widely discussed in the light of the adopted Federal Law of July 13, 2020 No. 193-FZ "On state support for entrepreneurial activity in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation." Within the Summit provides an exhibition of highly efficient technologies and developments of Russian and foreign organizations - participants of the Summit.
In order to develop the creative and scientific activity of Russian and foreign students and postgraduates of leading universities, the Summit will host a Contest of Research Works aimed at sustainable development and development of the Arctic. The Prize fund of the Contest was formed by the Summit partner - Paulsen Publishing House, the only book-publishing house in Russia specializing in the production of documentary, fiction and popular science literature about the Arctic and Antarctic.
At the plenary and regional sessions, reports will be made on the topics of geopolitics and security in the Arctic especially relevant in the Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone of Russia and Ensuring National Security until 2035 approved on October 26, 2020; world trends in the development of the oil and gas industry and the prospects for the development of deposits in the Russian Arctic; implementation areas of the state policy of comprehensive support of global industrial and social projects and sustainable ecological space in terms of the organization of rational environmental management, the development of innovative technologies, marine robotic systems for the development of the Russian Arctic.
According to the order of Rosnedra, VNIGNI, as the head institute of the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use for geological exploration for oil and gas, will present a report at the first session on the preparation program of the oil and gas resource base in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.
Together with the Internet magazine "Event Horizon", the Summit information partner, a Round Table "Problems and prospects of organizing supplies using the small business entities" will take place. The Round table will discuss not only the use of the Northern Sea Route for transporting hydrocarbons and minerals, but also the Northern Delivery, problems of supplying the population with food in hard-to-reach Arctic regions, about the historical continuity and experience of previous generations in the development and administration of the Russian Far North.
Together with partner, the Moscow Architectural Institute (State Academy) - MARCHI - the Summit will host a Round Table "Formation of an artificial environment for life in the Russian Arctic, in the face of climate warming and degradation of “permafrost”.
Together with the National LNG Association, the organization of a Round Table discussion on the development of the LNG market in Russia is being worked out.
The summit will allow participants to exchange experience and establish business contacts.
Also, the Summit participants will be offered an excursion to one of the shipyards of St. Petersburg and a cultural program dedicated to the City Day.
Representatives of federal and regional structures, leading Russian and foreign oil and gas and energy companies, transport, financial, scientific, service organizations and the media are expected to participate in the Summit. You can get acquainted with the Summit program, conditions of participation and the Summit news feed, as well as register online at the website: www.arctic-summit.ru.
We invite you to take part in the 5th Anniversary International Arctic Summit “The Arctic and Offshore Projects: Prospects, Innovation and Regional Development” (Arctic - 2021 St. Petersburg).
Summit Directorate Contacts: Summit-arcticas@bk.ru, 8-812-498-42-27, 8-985-167-90-25, 8-921-632-11-86