On April 24, more than 1,000 people in 40 countries were able to watch the live broadcast of the International Space Bridge dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Elbe meeting and the end of the Second World War on social networks. A recording of the live broadcast is available at the link: https://clck.ru/NBtaW.
Recalling the historical significance of the meeting of Soviet and American Troops on the Elbe River in April 1945, the speakers noted the importance of preserving the memory of the events of The Second World war, the need to solve modern problems of international security based on the lessons of history.
As a result of the International teleconference, participants made an appeal to the Heads of States, international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, and all people of good will. In the nearest future, it will be brought to the attention of Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassadors of the countries of the world.
The teleconference brought together historians and writers, public and political figures, scientists, reenactors, businessmen from Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Germany, Georgia, Denmark, India, Kazakhstan, Canada, China, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates, Poland, Russia, Serbia, the United States, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, France, Estonia. The speakers recalled the role of peoples in the common victory, the need to resist attempts to rehabilitate Nazism, the importance of broad cooperation for peace and creation, and suggested new ideas for preserving the planet from military, climate and other threats.
The participants were greeted by Russian cosmonauts currently in orbit.
The organizers continue to receive materials from participants and those who were unable to participate in the teleconference. Greetings and reports are published on the project page “International teleconference “Meeting on the Elbe 75” (http://eurasia-assembly.org/en/international-teleconference-75th-anniver...).
* Eduard LOZANSKY, physicist, American-Russian publicist and public figure, Academician of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, founder and President of the American University in Moscow, Professor at National Research Nuclear “MEPhI” and Moscow State Universities.
* Svetlana SMIRNOVA, First Deputy Secretary General - Head of the General Secretariat of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, Chairman of the Council of the Assembly of peoples of Russia, Doctor of Political Science.
The Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly
The Russian House “Continent USA”
The American University in Moscow
The International Center for Public Diplomacy National Research Nuclear University (NRNU) MEPhi
Military-patriotic club “Division”
Youth Club “Future Generation”
The International Business Club of HKS&HKS
The Assembly of peoples of Russia, the Eurasian Academy of Radio and Television, the International Council of Russian Compatriots, Open World Foundation, International Foundation for Social Support of veterans of law enforcement agencies “Fenix”, “Peace for Life” Fund, the International Shukhov Foundation, Coodinating Council of Russian Compatriots of the USA - CRA, International Bloggers Association.
International Space Bridge “Meeting on the Elbe – 75”. Conference results in pdf