On April 25, 2021, members of the Council of the Eurasian Peoples 'Assembly for Spiritual Culture took part in the International Public Action "Garden of Peace" under the slogan "Keep the World - Plant a Tree - Save the Planet", which was launched by the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly together with partners.
The action "Garden of Peace" started at the Mass Grave in the village of Nelidovo near Dubosekovo, at the same height 251 that went down in the history of the Great Patriotic War as the place of the legendary feat of the Panfilov Heroes. In memory of the fallen heroes, the action participants planted 28 trees at the mass grave.
Representatives of the Embassies of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, the administration of the Volokolamsk city district, the Assembly of the Peoples of Russia and the Assembly of the Peoples of Eurasia took part in events in Volokolamsk.
80 years ago, showing an example of fraternal unity, an example of courage and heroism, Russians, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, as well as Ukrainians, Belarusians, Uzbeks, representatives of other nations held the defence shoulder to shoulder near Moscow. Peaceful today has been won at the cost of their lives.
Let the planted trees perpetuate the memory of those who brought Victory closer.
The indefinite action started on the day of the historic meeting on the Elbe and became a reminder that peace on earth can only be established together. On the very first day of the action, participants from 18 countries joined it.
International public action "Garden of Peace" continues. You can take part in it by organizing, singly or collectively, planting one or more trees.
Take a photo or short video (horizontal) and email it to gardenofpeace@eurasia-assembly.org for social media posting and video. You can also post the video on social networks yourself by putting two hashtags under it # садмира #gardenofpeace and the @eurasiaassembly account
More about the International Public Action "Garden of Peace"