The Head of the Representation, Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan Andrei Nazarov spoke about the main past year results and plans for 2021 of the Representation of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Andrey Gennadevich, you are the Head of the Representation of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in the Republic of Bashkortostan, which has been operating in the Republic for a year now. And at the end of January you were elected Deputy Secretary General of the Assembly. What is the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly?
The Assembly is an International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations, it was founded in 2017 in Moscow to unite the efforts of public associations in the development of global integration processes of the states and peoples of Eurasia - the most densely populated region of the planet.
The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly includes representatives of more than 40 countries.
This year the organization celebrates four years of activity. The Assembly is chaired by Secretary General Andrey Yuryevich Belyaninov. As for my election to the post of Deputy Secretary General of the Assembly, it allows me to be more extensively engaged in this area.
What was the Representation established for and what goals does it set?
On January 31, 2020, the Representation of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly was established in the Republic of Bashkortostan, and I was approved as its Head.
The establishment of the Representative Office was preceded by the signing of an agreement on May 24, 2019 between the Assembly and the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
The Republic aims to expand and strengthen international humanitarian and business cooperation, exchange accumulated experience and information in tourism, culture, education, sports, work with youth, as well as in the commercial and industrial environment, including export, import, finance, investment and innovation.
The Representation promoted the same goals; it is in close cooperation with the federal office of the Assembly.
But the most important thing is that the Representation’s activities are intended to strengthen trust and friendship between peoples, expand cultural and humanitarian cooperation, develop peace-making and Eurasian integration processes. This is done in close cooperation with other organizations that share the same values.
What activities had the Representation managed to accomplish in the first year of its existence?
Considering that 2020 was not the easiest year for the whole world, we took the path of increasing our membership base. We established the Public Council of the Representation of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in the Republic of Bashkortostan. It includes representatives of the largest business associations, trade union, social and sports organizations represented by famous people who have proved themselves not only in the Republic, but also in Russia.
During such a difficult period for the whole world, associated with the pandemic and the introduction of restrictive measures, when many people needed the help, members and partners of the Representation took part in volunteering.
The Representation is involved in supporting and popularization of sports, a healthy lifestyle, in cooperation with regional federations of grappling and boxing.
Also I would like to note the implementation of a very interesting educational project "Streets of Our Heroes" - the broadcast on "Radio Russia-Bashkortostan". The project is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory.
Within the Public Council, its members are engaged in the development of individual areas. For example, an expert community has been established to support industry; an active work is underway to intensify Russian-Italian cooperation.
Andrey Gennadievich, it is customary to sum up and plan for the future at the beginning of each year. What was 2020 for the Republic, in your opinion? How did it affect business and other areas?
As the rest of the world, we bear the consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. Therefore, in our region, we have developed packages of support measures for business, which include various subsidies, grants and tax preferences.
I would also like to note the positive aspects. So, this year, foreign trade turnover with some countries has increased significantly. For example, Uzbekistan, Latvia, Turkey, Mexico, Belgium and Azerbaijan can be distinguished.
Despite the pandemic, our companies continue to expand into new markets. Last year we managed to establish foreign trade cooperation with Honduras, Ecuador, Sri Lanka, Uruguay, Myanmar, Jordan, Morocco, Benin and Saudi Arabia.
Continuing the conversation about foreign trade cooperation, I note that our republican Export Support Centre took the 2nd place among all regions of the country in the rating of the Russian Export Centre. 82 regions of Russia were evaluated, and only the Moscow region is ahead of us. So, in 2020, the foreign trade turnover of the Republic of Bashkortostan amounted to 4055.5 million US dollars, while the export volume of the Republic of Bashkortostan was at the level of 3129.7 million US dollars.
We note an increase in the share of non-resource non-energy exports in the region's total exports. In January-November 2020, it amounted to 61% (an increase of 11% compared to January-November 2019), while the average share of non-resource non-energy exports in Russia was 47.3%.
The such results were facilitated by the introduction of new export support measures as part of the first and second package of measures to stabilize the economy.
Bashkortostan was the only region of the Russian Federation that provided exporters with three types of financial assistance: payments to reimburse part of the costs of transporting goods abroad, reimbursement of part of the costs of international product certification and "export cash back".
In order to strengthen international cooperation, in 2020 we opened a Representative Office of the ANO Congress Bureau of the Republic of Bashkortostan in Turkey, now we are preparing to open a Representative Office of the Republic of Bashkortostan in Kazakhstan.
We plan to continue to help our exporters by providing them with comprehensive support. So, we launched a new project "Ambulance Export Aid" aimed at identifying the export potential of enterprises with their further access to foreign markets. Also, we develop our brand "Made in Bashkortostan", help to master international electronic trading platforms and train entrepreneurs on the “Export Fast and Furious” acceleration program. All measures are aimed at reaching the volume of supported exports in the amount of at least 25 billion rubbles in 2021.
I believe that cooperation between the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly will positively influence both the external economic development of our region and its social and cultural agenda.
What are the Assembly’s plans for 2021?
Among other planned events of the Representative Office for 2021 I would like to note the March Forum "Navruz", where entrepreneurs will discuss innovations in the accounting, listen to trainings and master classes by famous coaches.
The brightest event of the year will be the Days of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in the Republic of Bashkortostan planned to be held as part of the VI World Folkloriada in July. The event will include: the General Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly (it takes place every 4 years), the presentation of "Eurasiada - 2025", a press tour for international and Russian journalists on the tourist attractions of the region, forums on the international standard of doing business and marketing. We will demonstrate to the guests of the Eurasian continent everything that our Republic is rich in and famous for.
Also, under the auspices of the Representative Office, in 2021, together with the Bashkortostan branch of the United Russia party and the volunteer centre “Our Care”, a volunteer forum will be held. The Forum will outline the prospects for the development of the volunteer movement.
Another of the most powerful projects of the Assembly and the Republic of Bashkortostan is the organization and holding of the largest Eurasian sports games "Eurasiada" in 2025 in Ufa. The games program includes both Olympic and non-Olympic sports. As I’ve already said, we will hold an interim presentation of the "Eurasiada" this year as part of the Days of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly in the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Blitz questions:
What helps you to be a successful leader, to keep up with state and public work while always in good shape?
If you try, you can be in time everywhere. A clear schedule helps, where I note what I have to do in all areas of my activity. I admit that there are a lot of these areas of work and there is not much time for myself. However, now I am at that time of my life when I want to do as much as possible useful for the people, the republic, our state. Thanks to this goal I always find the strength to move forward. Hockey helps me to keep myself in good shape; we have an amateur hockey team of the Government of the Republic, headed by Radiy Faritovich Khabirov. So, whenever possible, I try to “go out on the ice”.
What kind of cuisine do you prefer?
I love Russian and Bashkir cuisine very much; they have a lot of delicious dishes. I will never refuse borscht, chak-chak, dumplings. If we talk about international cuisine, then I’ll probably single out Italian.
How do you spend your free time?
Work takes up most of my time, so I try to spend all my free time with my family. My family helps restore my strength. I love to spend time with loved ones, to play with my granddaughter.