The role of people's diplomacy as an instrument of the community of peoples, the place of cross-border peoples in the system of international relations, the importance of the native language in preserving customs and traditions in line with the International Decade of Indigenous Languages - these and other issues were discussed by the participants of the International Scientific and Practical Round Table "The Role of Indigenous Peoples of Eurasia in Public Diplomacy", which took place on March 24.
Representatives of the Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH), the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Institute of the Russian Language of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, the Kyrgyz National University after Zhusup Balasagyn, the Mongolian community "Eternal Sky" met at the headquarters of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly and via the videoconference channel.
The participants stressed that the most complete, purposeful development of people's diplomacy needs scientific knowledge about indigenous peoples, about the role they play in the development of cultural and humanitarian cooperation between people and countries, in international relations and the international agenda.
The work of the round table was held in two stages: expert presentations and presentation of scientific papers by students, members of the Dorzhiev Society of Ethnogeopolitics of RSUH.
Svetlana Smirnova, First Deputy Secretary General – Head of the General Secretariat of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, Chairman of the Council of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, member of the Presidential Council for Interethnic Relations addressed the participants with a welcoming speech:
"Today, more than ever, increases the role of people's, public diplomacy in strengthening mutual understanding between peoples. And we in the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly always say that trust is the basis of cooperation between different people, different peoples, different States. From the trust of people to the trust of peoples, from the trust of peoples to the trust of countries."
Maxim Mikhalev, Scientific director of the Dorzhiev Society of Ethnogeopolitics Scientific Student Association, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of RSUH, in his report focused on the unique role of cross-border peoples, diasporal groups and ethno-confessional groups.
He expressed the hope that "today's event will draw attention to these microactors of international diplomacy, initiate their systematic study and, who knows, maybe lead to the creation of a new scientific discipline – ethnodiplomacy."
Zhibek Syzdykova, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Central Asia and the Caucasus of the Institute of Asian and African Countries of Lomonosov Moscow State University, told about the role of the native language in the formation of human self-consciousness in her speech:
"The native language introduces each person to their national culture. Knowledge of folk culture, language, dialogue and people's diplomacy is the way to interaction. Interaction is the way to understanding. And through understanding, you can always find contacts; you can come to a consensus, to a common solution. It is very important that these contacts are direct, live, and not just virtual."
Uldanai Bakhtikireeva, Professor, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Intercultural Communication of Russian Language Institute of RUDN, member of the Expert Council of the Assembly of People of Kazakhstan, continued the discussion of the problems of languages and cultures of indigenous peoples, told about her many years practical experience and made a number of specific proposals:
"The beauty of what we are going to do is that a new meaning is being born. If a new meaning is not formed from a particular meeting, this time is wasted. As the editor-in-chief of the journal of one of the series of the Bulletin of the RUDN, I invite young colleagues to publish in our journal on the topic of languages, dialogue of cultures. I also invite you to take part in the X International Conference of Young Researchers on May 24."
Amarbayasgalan Damdinsuren, General Director of the NGO Mongolian Community "Eternal Sky", also shared his experience of working with Mongolian students and thanked the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly as a platform for creative and business meetings, for open dialogue and exchange of experience:
"It is the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly that through people's diplomacy brings us closer, pushes us to protect spiritual values, preserve cultural heritage and diversity, mutual respect, equal dialogue, upholding creative trends both in culture and in all spheres of life. I am glad to be a part of such great things."
Gulzhamal Jamankulova, Doctor of Philology, Professor of Zhusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University, continued the conversation about the role of language in improving the interaction of peoples:
"Today, a new direction has appeared in linguistics, studying intercultural communications: how to build relations between ethnic groups, how to improve them. The emergence of this trend in the twentieth century was prompted by the development of society, the strengthening of communication and communication between representatives of different cultures. Interethnic communication and the role of language in overcoming stereotypes and in harmonizing intercultural ties are especially important."
In the second, scientific and practical part of the round table, students of the Dorzhiev Society of Ethnogeopolitics Scientific and Student Association of RSUH (head - Maxim Mikhalev) made reports on the results of their research, including expedition:
- Elizaveta Kolesnikova, 3rd year student of the Educational and Scientific Center of Social Anthropology of the Russian State University, - "The Dalai Lama and Tibet: representing the interests of the indigenous population in the international arena" (presentation in PDF);
- Daniil Makarenko, Secretary of the Dorzhiev Society of Ethnogeopolitics, 3rd year student of the Educational and Scientific Center of Social Anthropology of the Russian State University, – "Buryats in the Big Game" (presentation in PDF);
- Elizaveta Volkova, 4th year student of the Educational and Scientific Center of Social Anthropology of the Russian State University, - "Germans of Kalmykia: paradise lost and paradise found" (presentation in PDF);
- Egor Krykov, 4th year student of the Educational and Scientific Center of Social Anthropology of the Russian State University, – "The problem of national self-identification of Estonians of the Yashalta district of the Republic of Kalmykia: analysis of the current situation based on field research materials" (presentation in PDF);
- Denis Gavrusev, 4th year student of the Educational and Scientific Center of Social Anthropology of the Russian State University, – "Modern Zaisans of Altai: features of the Altai national movement" (presentation in PDF).
During the open dialogue, there were made proposals on the need for further work on the designated topics related to the development of folk cultures, native languages, improving the mechanisms of people's diplomacy, as well as on continuing the joint work of young researchers of RSUH, MSU, RUDN at the site of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly.
The program of the round table (PDF)