On March 23, 2022, the Happiness Department of the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly" held an annual International Round Table "Happiness and well-being as new paradigms of human progress".
In the context of global challenges of our time, it is especially important to remember such things as happiness, love, friendship, care and support. Global problems require serious efforts on the part of State structures, civil society institutions, and the whole of humanity to solve them. In order to overcome them, it is necessary to keep in touch and communicate with the outside world.
Today, the whole world is in a state of increased anxiety, uncertainty of further economic, technological and social development. In these circumstances, an appeal to culture and art, to universal values, to love and compassion as the highest manifestations of morality can minimize the consequences of crisis states in society, make a person happier, peaceful, joyful, able to show interest in life, creativity, personal development and participation in the further evolution of society. Happy society is formed by happy people.
Therefore, the planet desperately needs people who are comfortable and peaceful to live next to, who are ready to make the world alive and humane, whose activities are related to peacemaking, charity.
The International Round Table considered the following issues:
- The search for the definition of the state of collective and individual happiness in the international aspect. The lack of mutual understanding and happiness in the current world situation. Sociological studies of happiness and dreams, supported by official data and statistics.
- Ways to create and support communities and countries that form a State of happiness.
- Search for resources, positive changes and an action plan for the implementation of the program.
- How to create and support a community of people, countries that form happiness around themselves?
- What really makes each of us truly happy?
There were unique speakers: scientists and entrepreneurs, coaches, public leaders and cultural figures, representatives of well-known companies, opinion leaders, psychologists, writers, international journalists. The round table was held offline and online. Thanks to it representatives of India, Azerbaijan, Israel, Pakistan, Belarus and other countries were able to take part in it.
All participants of the international meeting noted the need to combine the best practices that inspire people to be happy at the personal, public and corporate level. Special attention was paid to the formation of a positive outlook on life, changing attitudes to happiness and well-being in the Eurasian space.
Svetlana Smirnova, First Deputy Secretary General - Head of the General Secretariat of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, member of the Presidential Council on Interethnic Relations, Chairman of the Council of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia, Doctor of Political Sciences, said that "happiness is becoming important and relevant now, at a time when we all empathize with the events taking place. It is important that every person be in a conscious state and contribute to the preservation of peace on our planet through his harmonious state."
Svetlana Konstantinovna invited the participants of the meeting to a dialogue, stressing that "The Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly is always open for cooperation, for new ideas and joint projects in the name of strengthening friendship, co–creation of peoples, in the name of the future of man, because the mission of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly is to form the consciousness of a person of the III millennium, first of all a happy person who takes responsibility for himself, for hi small homeland and the country as a whole."
Marina Volkova, Head of the Happiness Department of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, noted in her speech:
"The pursuit of happiness is inherent in each of us. We all want to live in harmony with the world around us and be confident in the future, and promoting our common well-being makes us spiritually richer."
Irina Mersiyanova, Director of the Center for Civil Society and Non-Profit Sector Research at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, noted that there is no happiness without action:
"An active lifestyle gives an opportunity for self-realization, and its adherents are always positive. Participants of subbotniks, residents' meetings or publicly expressing their opinions, including on the Internet, are happy noticeably more often than ignoring public activity."
Tatiana Nechaeva, consultant psychologist, head of the research center "Alef Group", stressed in her speech:
"I'm sorry if you still consider yourself an insignificant grain of sand in the sea and nothing depends on you. It is today that it is so important to unite and talk about happiness. Yes, it is difficult to talk about happiness in such a difficult time. But even in the period of the most difficult trials, a great power lives in us, the power of love and kindness that underlies our happiness. It is difficult to talk about this when the whole situation today is the most difficult, like an ice layer that suddenly collapsed, like the ashes of a volcano, scattered by the wind so that all of us are simply torn apart from the inside. And no matter how it sounds, but today the world needs support in the form of mercy, tenderness and infinite virtue. This is how a special force arises, which is based on our very deep, genetically prescribed features that enable us to be happy."
The participants of the international meeting learned how happiness is treated in different countries, got acquainted with techniques for achieving happiness from practicing psychologists and researchers. Much attention was paid to the role of culture and creativity in shaping the state of human happiness in different historical periods.
The guests and speakers of the conference reacted with great understanding to the topic of discussion and the questions posed. The key topic of the meeting was the issues of cooperation, co-creation. The most active discussion was caused by the topic of happiness of the younger generation.
Olga Chirkova, Head of the Humanitarian project of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly "EURASIA KIDS", Head of the Center for Social Production "Zhuraveynik", member of the Public Chamber of Izhevsk, Honored journalist of Udmurtia, told about the power of fulfilling the wishes of children "Happy children – a happy world – a happy future!".
Ekaterina Smirnova, the leader of the World of Happiness group in the PRO Women community, presented the project "Family — the universe of happiness", aimed at achieving mutual understanding with loved ones, harmony in relationships with oneself and the world around. The project unites people, gives rays of love, joy, growth and fosters healthy values in society.
Dalbir Singh, Co-Chairman of the General Council of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, stressed in his speech:
"The pursuit of happiness has been one of the most cherished goals in the history of mankind. Research shows that we value this more than success, knowledge or material benefits. Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well–being defined by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from satisfaction to intense joy, bliss. Many happy people understand that happiness is a choice, and they should deliberately choose it every single day. Happy people do not become hostages of circumstances. All this requires a conscious decision to choose happiness."
The participants of the Round Table decided to launch the International Festival "Relay of Happiness", the campaign "Warm the Planet", initiate an international meeting of children from all over the world and create a community of happy people, as well as hold resource support meetings for representatives of different countries. A large-scale work is planned.
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