The Accreditation Committee of UNESCO Clubs under the National Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, chaired by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov, decided to accredit the International Friendship Club "EURASDIA KIDS".
International Friendship Club "EURASDIA KIDS" (International Club Kids of Eurasia) was established in the Tyumen region in 2019. Club members actively work on strengthening friendship between children of different nationalities, developing children's cognitive interests in regional studies and interest in the life of peers in other cities and countries. The guys develop and implement their projects related to the study, preservation and promotion of the world cultural heritage. Club members establish and maintain friendly relations with children from different countries, with educational institutions, scientific and public organizations.
Ekaterina Volodina, Head and organizer of the Club notes:
“The Club of International Friendship contributes to the formation of a tolerant attitude towards other nations and cultures among the modern generation, the development of children's communication skills, and ensures the creation of conditions for self-knowledge and self-realization of the younger generation.
Understanding the importance and breadth of the project, it was decided to apply for accreditation of the Club. The letter of recommendation was signed by the Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Andrey Belyaninov. The accreditation curator was Lyudmila Savicheva, Chairman of the Committee for the Accreditation of UNESCO Clubs in the Russian Federation.
Club's accreditation is really a great achievement for all of us. I am sure that the Club members still have a lot of interesting things and events ahead; we hope to attract a wide range of partners and volunteers from among the executive authorities, educational and cultural institutions. Together we will be able to continue our educational and upbringing activities, the implementation of international projects that are fully consistent with UNESCO tasks.
Undoubtedly, our children are the best diplomats, they do not sign memorandums and agreements, they simply strengthen the friendship of peoples, draw, write letters, learn languages, talk about themselves, their countries, about national culture and value strong friendship very much.”
The International Friendship Club has already implemented projects for children and teenagers of different age categories, in such areas as foreign languages, ecology, healthy lifestyle, children's charity, literature, geography, local history, fine arts. The events are held in a format of national holidays, promotions, concerts, competitions, literary meetings, online events.
Educational institutions, schools, lyceums and gymnasiums, libraries, cultural and leisure centers of the Tyumen region, as well as foreign partners in Mexico, the USA, Egypt, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Australia and other countries actively cooperate with the International Friendship Club "EURASIA KIDS".