The strategic role of technical knowledge for the progressive development of international cooperation became the key topic of the First International Forum "CIS + WORLD / Technological Tourism", held on February 17, 2021.
The main organizers of the Forum were the Tourism Committee of the Business Centre for Economic Development of the CIS, the International Integration Program "CIS + WORLD", the Ufa State Aviation Technical University (USATU).
The President of the International Foundation for the Development of Biomedical Technologies named for V.P. Filatov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Full Member of the International Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Ambassador of Health Tourism "CIS + WORLD", General Representative of "CIS + WORLD" in Japan Ekaterina Dibrova.
Greetings to the Forum were conveyed by the leadership of the oldest diplomatic organization of Russia, which recently celebrated its 95th anniversary, the Russian Association for International Cooperation (RAMS) represented by the First Deputy Secretary General of the RAMS, President of the Russian-French Friendship Society, Ambassador of Cultural Tourism "CIS + WORLD", General Representative "CIS + WORLD" in France by Marina Korasteleva.
The moderator was the initiator of the Forum, the author and head of the International integration program "CIS + WORLD", head of the tourism committee of the Business Centre for Economic Development of the CIS, member of the General Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Anastasia Pavlova.
The forum was held in Ufa, the capital of Bashkortostan, at the Ufa State Aviation Technical University (USATU). For the first time, a tourist event dedicated to technological tourism was held in the unique Museum of Aviation Engines of the USATU - among real aviation and rocket engines. Anastasia Pavlova greeted the participants in the Bashkir language and in the national Bashkir costume. The Forum ended with the presentation of a new page of the poetic map of the world - with verses dedicated to hospitable Bashkiria.
The event was attended by representatives from dozens of countries around the world (China, Australia, Portugal, Oman, Bulgaria, Croatia, Japan, France, Italy, Spain, Iceland, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Belarus) and regions of the Russian Federation (Tatarstan, Yugra, Yaroslavl, Moscow, Murmansk, Novosibirsk, Leningrad, Voronezh, Rostov, Volgograd regions).
Representatives of several Russian universities greeted the Forum:
- Elena Nikolskaya, Associate Professor of the Department of Hospitality, Tourism and Sports, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics;
- Sergey Kuvshinov, Director of the International Institute of New Educational Technologies, Russian State University for the Humanities, strategic partner in the CIS + WORLD. MEDIATURISM";
- Elena Pryazhnikova, Professor of the Department of Psychology and Human Capital Development of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, scientific director of the vocational guidance laboratory "Talents of the Future", Ambassador of Scientific Tourism "CIS + WORLD".
First Vice-Rector for Science Rustem Enikeev read the greetings to the Forum participants from the Rector of the Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Sergei Novikov. USATU was also represented at the forum by:
- Kamil Ramazanov, Vice-Rector for Innovation;
- Alexey Elizariev, acting Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs;
- Dmitry Akhmedzyanov, Dean of the Faculty of Aircraft Engines, Energy and Transport;
- Yulia Urazbakhtina, Dean of the Faculty of Avionics, Energy and Infocommunications;
- Nafisa Yusupova, Dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Robotics;
- Yuldash Khusainov, Director of the Institute of Aviation Technologies and Materials;
- Svetlana Lartseva, Director of the Institute of Economics and Management;
- Alexander Belogrudov, acting Dean of the General Scientific faculty;
- Irek Kandarov, Director of the Aviation Technologies Technopark.
Alla Ivanova, Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology and Social Technologies, was the co-host of the Forum from USATU.
USATU graduates were presented by:
- Sergei Ivanov, Head of the VKontakte community "Severe Technician" (more than 300 thousand subscribers), a well-known populariser of engineering and technical sciences, he regularly gives popular science lectures for young people;
- Oksana Murugova, Bachelor of Mathematical Sciences, Master of Welding, 4th year postgraduate student of the Department of Welding, Foundry and Additive Technologies of USATU and concurrently a young teacher of computer modelling of welding processes.
On behalf of the leadership of the Business Centre for Economic Development of the CIS, the Forum was greeted by Maria Kachina, Project Director of the CIS DC, curator of the “CIS + WORLD” program. She noted the critical importance of the “CIS + WORLD. Regions of Russia” in the year of the 30th anniversary of the CIS and highlighted the overall large-scale global development of the international program “CIS + WORLD”.
First Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Svetlana Smirnova noted that the Assembly closely cooperates with Bashkortostan. In 2021, the Days of the Assembly will be held in Bashkortostan, and in 2025 - the First Eurasian Games - EURASIADA.
The Forum was greeted by Roman Kuzyuberdin, President of the largest international company TALARII, an integrated strategic partner of the CIS + WORLD. “The TALARIJ team is a high-tech team of super-professionals who know how to work not only according to the given technological schemes, but also to create new effective cooperation schemes that guarantee the most successful result,” - noted Roman Kuzyuberdin.
Within the “Educational and cultural technologies. CIS + CHINA” area the presentations were made by: an international teacher, long-term organizer of events in the field of Russian-Chinese educational exchanges Wang Bao Ai and “CIS + WORLD” strategic partner for cooperation with China, organizer of numerous international Chinese festivals Julia Przewski.
Communication technologies of international cooperation with Portugal were presented by the general representative of "CIS + WORLD" in Portugal Tatiana Zadonskaya.
Talib Hilal, Head National Beach Soccer coach of Oman, greeted the Forum.
Tourism technologies in the historical tourism were presented at the Forum by the ambassador of historical tourism "CIS + WORLD", vice president of SKAL International (International Organization of Tourism Professionals), founder of the European Association of Castles (Italy), member of the World Tourism Alliance (China), general manager of a tourist facility number one in Bulgaria - castle "In love with the wind", President of World Best Destinations (USA); founder of Evergreen Holidays Corporation (Singapore) Yanko Marinov Krastev.
Daliborka Ulmek, General Representative of CIS + MIR in Croatia, spoke about Croatian technologies in international tourism.
The Forum was greeted from Australia by the creator of WORLD OF DISCOVERIES Varvara Topolyanskaya, a promising partner in the CIS + AUSTRALIA and CIS + NEW ZEALAND.
The partner of "CIS + WORLD" in "CIS + ICELAND" invited the participants of the Forum to Iceland.
Development Director of the Acceleration Group V. Loskutov invited the Forum participants to cooperate on advanced technologies of international and regional communications.
President of the International Academy of Kindness, world-famous sculptor Grigory Pototsky spoke about the importance of the technologies of kindness in business cooperation.
As part of the “CIS + WORLD. Regions of the Russia. Yaroslavl Region”, the Forum participants were greeted by employees and artists of “Dolphin Planet”, a recreational and entertainment complex in the Yaroslavl Region with its own aquarium, a health centre, a scientific centre, the only one in Central Russia that is maximally focused on human interaction with marine animals: dolphins, whales, walruses, fur seals.
At the end of the Forum, Anastasia Pavlova proposed making the Ufa State Aviation Technical University (USATU) a centre for the development of scientific and technological tourism in Russia and the CIS.