On April 21, 2022, the International Chess Tournament "Peoples’ Friendship" among ethno-cultural public organizations, youth and corporate associations - the Cup of the Head of the Representative Office of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly in the Republic of Bashkortostan will take place in Russia, at the address: Ufa, Pushkin str., 86, youth space "Yashlek House".
The main goal of the tournament is to promote interethnic understanding, national culture, intercultural dialogue and a healthy lifestyle, as well as to create a favorable environment for the development of intercultural dialogue.
"The tournament is held in order to develop and popularize chess in Bashkortostan and maintain an active lifestyle. Also, the purpose of the competition is to further strengthen interethnic friendship, because a large number of ethnic groups live in our republic. Moreover, we have an opportunity to strengthen not only relations within our nationalities, but also to bring the practice of friendly chess competitions to the international level – representatives of Italy will join our tournament," - said Andrei Nazarov, Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Head of the Representative Office of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia).
Teams of ethno-cultural public organizations, youth and corporate public associations are invited to participate in the tournament exclusively by the decision of the admission commission. Due to the need to comply with the "anti-Covid" measures, the number of participants is limited.
The team consists of three people (chess players born in 2006 and older).
To participate in the tournament, the teams must send a preliminary application form (Appendix No. 1) by 21:00 local time (Ufa, Russia) on April 18, 2022 by e-mail rbchess@yandex.ru and get confirmation of participation from the tournament operator – IC "Tolpar".
Mandatory in-person registration of participants of the tournament is held on April 21, 2022 from 14:00 to 15:00 local time (Ufa, Russia).
Participants who have completed online registration and arrived at the tournament must submit to the admission commission:
- team’s application form;
- passport (identity document);
- the original contract on life and health insurance against accidents.
It is permissible to include a reserve participant in the application. When replacing the main player, the reserve player plays on the chess board of the eliminated main participant. The next or reverse substitution is not allowed. The behavior of the participants is regulated in accordance with the regulation "On sports sanctions in the sport of Chess".
The pairing of participants will be conducted using the SwissManager computer program.
The tournament is held according to the Swiss system in a network of tours. Time control is ten minutes until the end of the game. If the number of teams is eight or less, the competition is held in a round-robin system.
The official opening ceremony will take place on April 21 at 15:00 local time (Ufa, Russia).
*Note that these competitions are held without calculating the Russian and international ratings.
It should be added that an expanded meeting of the Public Council of the Representation of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly in the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia) will also take place as part of the event. It will include a Round Table "The Republic of Bashkortostan under sanctions restrictions: new types and tools of international communications". Representatives of state authorities and public associations of the republic will discuss the international agenda and identify new forms and instruments of cooperation.