The Caspian-Eurasia Centre, partner of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly on the information exchange, became one of the winners of the Presidential Grants Foundation with the “Summer Caspian Media School – 2021” project.
30 young journalists and media specialists from Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan will participate in the project on a competitive basis.
10 leading media experts from Russia (Moscow and Astrakhan), Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan will be the school experts.
The program of the project includes lectures and master classes, discussion of cases, practical exercises on the specifics of the formation of an international regional information space, an excursion into the editorial work of media and NGOs. During the Caspian Summer Media School, each participant will create his own media product in any format on a topical topic in politics, economics, society or culture of the Caspian region. During the project implementation, all participants will receive professional assistance from experts.
The Caspian - Eurasia Centre notes, the goal of the project is to develop professional skills in creating Russian-language information content and forming a common information space of the Caspian region and Central Asia. In addition, projects such as the Caspian Summer Media School contribute to the expansion of vertical and horizontal professional ties of young journalists and media professionals from the CIS countries.
Remind, the winners of the Presidential Grants Foundation competition were determined on January 14 at a meeting of the Coordination Committee, chaired by Sergei Kiriyenko, First Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office. 10,063 projects were submitted for the competition. The winners are 2,000 applications from all regions of Russia, NGOs won 4.2 billion rubles.
According to the organizers, the most popular grant areas in this competition were: “protecting the health of citizens, promoting a healthy lifestyle”, “social services, social support and protection of citizens”, “preserving historical memory”.