Representatives of the Council on International Economic Activities of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly took part in the investment forum "Investing in Indonesian Tourism", which was held on March 21, 2023 in Moscow during the MITT tourism exhibition. The forum was organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia in the Russian Federation.
According to the Deputy Minister of Tourism and Creative Industries for Investment and Industry of Indonesia, Rizki Handayani Mustafa, “It is not just about government or business co-operation, people-to-people contacts are also very important. The history of our relations with Russia goes back many years, so we already have the basis for this. I believe that we should continue to build contacts between the people of our countries.”
The result of the acquaintances at the dialogue business platform was a working meeting of the Co-Chairman of the Council on International Economic Activities of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, Director of the Eurasian Investment Company of the Assembly Alexander Ivanov with the regent of Pesawaran, Lanpung Province of Indonesia, Dr. H. Dendi Ramadhona K. The parties discussed investment projects in Indonesia, reverse trading opportunities. The main products discussed were coffee, mineral and organic fertilizers.