The Eurasian Youth Assembly took part in the I International Youth School for Political Design "Digitalization of Politics: Modern Risks and Ways to Minimize them."
The International School was organized by the Institute for Economic Strategies of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Gorchakov Foundation and was held on October 10 to 15 at the Atlas-Park Hotel in the city of Domodedovo, Moscow Region.
As part of their studies at an international school, the participants listened to an intensive course of lectures and took part in seminars devoted to the digitalization of the political sphere of society, the development of artificial intelligence and related risks, as well as political design in modern conditions.
Lecturers were prominent public figures and scientists, including Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, Director General of the Institute for Economic Strategies, Professor Alexander Ageev, renowned literary critic and publicist Sergei Pereslegin, Professor of the Department of Sociology and Psychology of Politics at Moscow State University Nikolai Rakityansky.
Following the lessons, participants with a completed higher education received a certificate of advanced training.
The delegation of the Eurasian Peoples 'Assembly was represented by the Head of the Department for Youth Cooperation of the General Secretariat of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Artem Parenkov, the manager of the Department of Happiness of the General Secretariat of the Eurasian Peoples 'Assembly Svetlana Zolotova, the manager of the Department for Interaction with International Organizations of the General Secretariat of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Alana Kochieva and a 3rd year student of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Andrey Parshin.
During the events, the Eurasian Youth Assembly and the Institute for Economic Strategies reached agreements on starting joint activities.
Eurasian Peoples' Assembly
The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly is an international non-governmental organization aimed at forming a social integration model in the name of establishing peace and harmony through the development of multilateral cooperation and public (people's) diplomacy in the Eurasian space. The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly brings together representatives from more than 43 countries. The organization has concluded more than 125 partnership agreements in the field of culture, entrepreneurship, the development of integration ties between the peoples of Eurasia and public diplomacy. Website - http://eurasia-assembly.org
Eurasian Youth Assembly (EYA) - Youth wing of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly. EYA’s main goal is to unite the youth of the Eurasian countries, individuals and legal entities, to represent and protect common interests, to achieve socially useful goals in the development of integration processes on the Eurasian continent. EYA news - http://eurasia-assembly.org/ru/rubriki/molodezhnaya-assambleya
Institute for Economic Strategies
The Institute for Economic Strategies of the Department of Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences was founded on September 26, 1990. The main areas of the Institute's activities are research and development in strategic management, forecasting, regional and sectoral economics, innovation, international relations and the world economy, business consulting, business education (MBA program, professional development, corporate seminars, visiting programs, etc.); publishing and others. Website - http://www.inesnet.ru/institute/