The Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly will organize a panel session “Public diplomacy as a tool of cooperation in a multipolar world” at the World Forum “New Era - New Paths”, which will take place on April 19, 2024 in Moscow.
The World Forum is an informal association of representatives of various countries with the goal of jointly shaping a common, fair future. The organizer of the discussion platform is the International Organization of Eurasian Cooperation (IOEC) in partnership with the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Eurasian Peoples' Assembly". The forum is also supported by: Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Venture Company, International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Dictatorship of the Law Group of Companies, Kyrgyz-Russian Business Council.
Leading representatives of international organizations, authorities, leaders of business communities, experts, scientists and cultural figures from various countries will take part in the work of the World Forum.
The central theme is the Greater Eurasian Partnership in a multipolar world, its role, sectoral structure, problems of forming instruments for a multipolar world and ways to solve them. As part of the World Forum events, there will be a plenary session and thematic sections devoted to the development of business and economic relations in the Greater Eurasia space, harmonization of legislation and problems of law enforcement, innovation and technology transfer in a multipolar world, cooperation in protection of rights and freedoms, scientific and educational activities, issues of supporting public diplomacy as a way to overcome differences.
The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, together with the International Organization of Eurasian Cooperation, is organizing a panel session “Public diplomacy as a tool of cooperation in a multipolar world.”
Its participants will be representatives of Russian and international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, clergy, youth organizations, leaders of ethnocultural organizations, international experts, representatives of the diplomatic corps, business circles from Russia and other countries of Eurasia and Africa, participants in the International Competition “Leader of Public Diplomacy”.
The development of international cooperation places new demands on diplomacy of the 21st century, which has rapidly transformed into a multi-level and complex system. The most important place belongs to new formats of international dialogue, often more competitive compared to the official, classical mechanisms of diplomacy. Thus, public diplomacy has become an integral part of international cooperation, which today plays an important role in strengthening cultural and humanitarian ties.
Due to the involvement of a wide range of public representatives in the activities, public diplomacy can become an important tool for establishing good neighborly relations between different countries and resolving conflicts and disagreements in the process of establishing a multipolar world.
For the dialogue participants, the organizers of the panel session “Public Diplomacy as a Tool for Cooperation in a Multipolar World” intend to create an atmosphere for the exchange of progressive ideas, experience and practice in the implementation of projects aimed at creating a Greater Eurasian Partnership within the framework of a multipolar world order for the sake of building a fair world economy, increasing the level of well-being and security of citizens, promotion of spiritual and moral development and interaction.
Issues brought up for discussion at the panel session:
• Creation of the Greater Eurasian Partnership: new protocols
• Business diplomacy: from people's trust to economic trust;
• Public diplomacy. How informal leaders change the world;
• Cultural and humanitarian cooperation as a tool of public diplomacy;
• Spiritual and moral culture: shaping the human being of the third millennium;
• Tools for the development of youth public diplomacy;
• Public diplomacy. Preservation of historical memory. Connection of
• Sports diplomacy. Sport unites peoples.
You can learn more about the World Forum program on the official website: https://forumnewera.org
To participate, you need to pre-register electronically on the official website at the link: https://ioec.group/registration.
Session of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly - block B.
Venue: Moscow, st. Pokrovka, 47, Digital Business