The International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Eurasian Peoples' Assembly" together with the Executive Committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs will hold a business game "CIS Model" as part of the World Youth Festival. It will be held on March 1 - 7, 2024 in Sochi on the federal territory of Sirius.
Participants in the game will become diplomats representing countries that are members of the Commonwealth of Independent States. They will have to resolve regional and global challenges through humanitarian cooperation, in close connection with CIS bodies.
The program for the business game provides for the participation of the Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Andrei Belyaninov, the Secretary General of the CIS Sergei Lebedev, the rector of MGIMO of the Russian Foreign Ministry Anatoly Torkunov, and members of the Council for Youth Affairs of the CIS member states.
Today, the CIS Executive Committee is the only permanent executive, administrative and coordinating body of the Commonwealth. It ensures the organization of the Council of Heads of State, the Council of Heads of Government, the Council of Foreign Ministers, the Economic Council and other statutory and sectoral bodies of the Commonwealth.
Within the CIS, great importance is attached to the development of common positions of member states on current world problems. Cooperation is successfully developing in the socio-economic, humanitarian spheres, in ecology, and innovative technologies.
The practice of declaring Commonwealth thematic years in the humanitarian sphere has proved to be a good practice. Thus, 2023 the CIS declared the Year of the Russian language as a language of interethnic communication, 2024 - the Year of the volunteer movement, 2025 - the Year of the 80th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War - the Year of Peace and Unity in the fight against Nazism, 2026 - Year of health protection.
Of primary importance in the work of the CIS Executive Committee is work with young people, who should determine the vector of further development of the Commonwealth. And the participants in the business game “CIS Model”, organized as part of the World Youth Festival in Sochi, will practically become a focus group expressing the main interests of the younger generation in shaping the future.
The most distinguished participants of the business game and the winning team will acquire not only new competences and receive memorable gifts, but also the opportunity to further implement the developed proposals in cooperation with the Assembly of Peoples of Eurasia and the CIS Executive Committee.