The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly member, editor-in-chief of the magazine «Қазақстандағы PR және БАҚ. Ғылыми еңбеқтер жинағы» - “PR and Mass Media in Kazakhstan. Collection of Scientific Papers”, Professor Laila Akhmetova (Kazakhstan) invites young researchers to cooperation.
In the second half of 2021, The UNESCO Centre for Journalism and Communication and the UNESCO Chair, International Journalism and Media in the society of KazNU named after Al-Farabi will issue the 21st collection of «Қазақстандағы PR және БАҚ. Ғылыми еңбеқтер жинағы» - “PR and Mass Media in Kazakhstan. Collection of Scientific Papers”.
Scientific works in Kazakh, Russian, Ukrainian, Kyrgyz, English, German languages are accepted on a competitive basis.
The deadline for submission of articles to the 21st issue is June 13, 2021.
Collections of scientific articles are published twice a year.
The 20th issue of the collection «Қазақстандағы PR және БАҚ. Ғылыми еңбеқтер жинағы» - “PR and Mass Media in Kazakhstan. Collection of Scientific Papers” was published in February 2021.
The collection contains articles on media literacy and media education, PR, communications, and humanities. The book contains a special chapter "Scientific creativity of the young", where the works of young researchers from different countries are published.
It includes articles in Kazakh, Russian, Ukrainian and English from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Ukraine, Israel and Sweden.
Requirements for articles of the 21st issue
Texts of no more than 7 pages are submitted in electronic version in Microsoft Word or compatible with it, font - Times New Roman, font size - 14, single spacing.
The text must be edited and signed by the author, indicating the full name, degrees and titles, places of work and positions, telephones, e-mail addresses, countries.
Be sure to attach: keywords, resume in Kazakh, Russian and English.
Works are accepted by e-mail:;