June 24 to 28, 2021, a large-scale festival was held in London, combining three major events at once - the IX OEBF Literary Festival, the III ECG Film Festival and the V Romford FIlm Festival. The organizer is the partner of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly - the Eurasian Creative Guild (London).
Literature and cinema came together, the collaboration of these two areas provided participants from both Europe and Asia with the opportunity to exchange experiences, organize retrospectives, join creative interests and achieve common goals.
The ninth Open Eurasian Literary Festival & Book Forum (OEBF), organized together with the British publishing house Hertfordshire Press, has become a meeting place for writers, poets, artists and other artists for the ninth time.
The festival turned out to be intense. On June 24, 2021, the program of events began with the presentation of the finalists of the 2020 competition, Nina Yagolnitser and Aldona Grupas, who heroically came to the festival in person, and other online participants who presented their work through video presentations.
An important event was the acquaintance with new books by Hertfordshire Press and the works of the winners of the 8th international competition "Open Eurasia-2019".
During the festival there were exhibitions of paintings, presentations of projects and books. On June 24, the opening of the first UK memorial to the representative of Central Asia - Kyrgyz writer Kazat Akmatov took place. On June 26, 2021, the guests of the festival took part in the prestigious TEDex Lambeth conference.
On June 28, within the Open Eurasian Literary Festival & Book Forum, the winners of the Open Eurasia international literary competition were awarded; the total prize fund in 2020 was $ 40,000.
In the year of the anniversary of the Great Victory, the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly established the nomination "For the best literary work dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory". According to the results of "Open Eurasia-2020" the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly medal was awarded to the writer Nina Kolenevaya (Russia).
OEBF is the only literary festival in the world that, since 2012, has been promoting the literature of the Eurasian region at the international level. The festival provides an opportunity for authors to tell about their work, exchange experiences and find like-minded people from around the world to implement joint projects.
Eurasian Peoples' Assembly
The International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly" was established in 2017 in Moscow by representatives of 67 countries of the continent as a platform for combining the efforts of non-governmental organizations and business communities in the development of integration processes, approving the ideas of peacemaking and strengthening good-neighborly and business relations in Eurasia.
Eurasian Creative Guild (London)
Eurasian Creative Guild (London) is a public association that promotes filmmakers, artists, poets, writers and designers. The main mission of the Eurasian Creative Guild (London) is to instill a love of creativity, to give people the opportunity to touch the beauty, and, possibly, to reveal a new facet of their creative nature.