The World Organization of Writers "WOW» has been officially registered. Its founders are: the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Eurasian Peoples' Assembly", UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, poet Alexandra Ochirova, Chairman of the Literary Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, poet Margarita Al.
“The World Organization of Writers “WOW” is called upon to unite the creative efforts of writers from around the world in the fight for a humanitarian future in which culture, literature and spiritual values play a key role in ensuring peace and stability in the world. Our organization is open to everyone who shares these ideals and strives to contribute to a better future for humanity through words and creativity,” - said WOW President Margarita Al.
For the first time, the idea of establishing a World Organization of Writers was voiced at the literary forum “Creating the image of the future Man and the man of the Future in literature” held within the Eurasian literary festival LIFFT-2019 in the Republic of Azerbaijan, which brought together writers from 52 countries of the world. “The theme of this forum was proposed by the poetess Margarita Al - What will the person of the future be like? He will be a Reader! - Olzhas Suleimenov said in an interview - a topic that should be raised by the presidents of countries.”
Support of the Co-Chairman of the Council of Elders of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, Director of the International Center for the Rapprochement of Cultures under the auspices of UNESCO, well-known thinker, poet, writer, diplomat and literary critic in Kazakhstan and abroad Olzhas Suleimenov, as well as filling the idea of a planetary association of writers with the meaning of the significance of the cultural code and the importance of the Word heard in different languages of the world, became the basis for the development of this organization.
Over the next three years of work of the Literary Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly and the holding of international literary forums and festivals, the number of participants has increased significantly, and there is a need to create a Union that unites writers not only of Eurasia, but also of all continents of the world. And more and more writers and cultural figures supported this idea. Alexandra Ochirova, poet, Co-Chairman of the General Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, member of the State Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, took part in the creation of the memorandum.
“Today, only a moral and responsible person can save the world, filled with contradictions, poverty and hunger, inequality, epidemics, and, what is especially terrible, with the misanthropic ideas of fascism, nationalism, extremism and terrorism, which must be forever removed from the spiritual and ideological arsenal of humanity. That is why the problems of humanitarian security and humanitarian modernization must be integrated into all protocols of interaction between countries and peoples,” emphasized Alexandra Ochirova.
on February 2, 2023, within the VI Eurasian Literary Festival LIFFT-2023 in the Arab Republic of Egypt, an initiative group of writers from 18 countries of the world issued a statement-memorandum of intent to establish the World Organization of Writers “WOW”. Its goals and objectives are aimed at “humanitarian modernization” and development of spiritual and moral values. Less than a year has passed and the organization is officially registered.
The partners of the World Writers' Organization were: Pan-African Association of Writers "PAWA", Foundation for the Promotion of Cultural Projects of the Peoples of Eurasia "LIFFT", L.N. Tolstoy Institute of Culture, Colombia, Bogota.
The World Organization of Writers “WOW” has entered into an international cooperation agreement with media platforms in Ghana, Egypt, Korea, Nigeria, and the UAE –countries located on three continents.
Website of the World Organization of Writers “WOW”: https://wow-lifft.com/ru/