In 2024, many countries of Eurasia will celebrate the 80th anniversary of liberation from fascist occupation. Young heirs of the Great Victory, who realize the greatness of the feat of their ancestors, can make a significant contribution to the preservation of the world heritage of mankind.
The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, the public organization "Immortal Memory" and the Congress of Russian Communities of the Republic of Moldova invite you to take part in the International Competition of Youth Historical Projects "Let's Preserve the Truth about Victory!"
The winners will be invited to participate in the project of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly “Twinning in Memory” - an event of youth exchanges - international humanitarian cooperation. In 2024, the event will take place in Moscow and Volgograd.
In the Year of the Volunteer Movement in the CIS countries, the competition will become one of the forms of organizing youth volunteer activities to collect and disseminate information about memorial sites and heroes who saved the world from the brown plague.
The main goals of the competition: preserving the historical truth about the Great Patriotic War; the formation of a memorial culture, a sense of belonging to the feat of the Winners; development of the youth volunteer movement in preservation of historical heritage and international youth cooperation.
Participants of the Competition: youth aged 15-25 years from the participating countries, including youth teams of authors (no more than two people). Any participant can submit several projects.
Thematic areas
• Victory Soldiers
A story about participants in the Great Patriotic War associated with the history of the liberation of your country.
• Liberators’ Battle Path
A story about a military formation that liberated your country, or about a border outpost, a military hospital, a partisan detachment, an underground organization, etc.
• Territory of Memory
A story about a memorial, military burial, large or small museum in your country.
Work requirements
The competition project must be based on photo-video recording of historical documents, artifacts or memorial objects associated with the event being described, or on a search for archival data (electronic archives of documents “Network of History”, “Feat of the People”, “Memory of the People” can be used, OBD “Memorial”, etc.)
This could be a story about a historical event related to the liberation of a city or region from fascist occupation, about a military formation that took part in the battles for your city/region, or soldiers who became famous in these battles, confirmed by archival or museum documents and photographs. The story about a museum or memorial should also contain search information about the creators and custodians of the memorial object and/or about the soldiers whose names are immortalized.
Works submitted to the Competition must be completed directly by the participants of the Competition and contain the results of independent research. Abstracts will not be accepted by the Organizing Committee.
Forms of the competition project:
Video report
Historical research
Requirements for Video Reporting
Requirements for Historical Research https://ric.krorm.ru/media/files/historical_research.pdf
Applications for participation in the Competition are open until March 1, 2024. In March, free master classes on working with archives, photography and video shooting (in online format) will be held for participants of the Competition.
All participants who submitted their original projects to the Competition that meet the specified requirements will receive personalized certificates of participants in the international volunteer project. The winners of the competition are awarded with certificates and prizes in accordance with the decision of the jury.
The most interesting works will be published on the websites of the competition organizers, and their authors will take part in international cultural and educational forums and will be invited to participate in the project of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly “Twinning in Memory” - an event of youth international humanitarian cooperation. In 2024, the event will take place in Moscow and Volgograd.
You can register to participate in the Competition using the link: https://ric.krorm.ru/forms/uchastie-v-konkurse-pravdu-o-pobede-sohranim/
More details can be found on the websites of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly and the Russian Intellectual Center in Chisinau
Organizations of all countries wishing to hold the Competition in their educational institutions and nominate participants for the “Twinning in Memory” project, please contact the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly history@eurasia-assembly.org