Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly expands partnership with Greater China
The leadership of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly held an official meeting and very substantive negotiations with a delegation from the People's Republic of China. Within this business meeting the Secretary General of the Assembly Andrey Belianinov and the Vice-Chairman of the Chinese Network of NGOs for International Exchanges CNIE Li Jun agreed on the implementation of a number of projects of joint public activities.
As Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly Andrey Belianinov stressed, our countries adhere to traditional family values, and this makes us comrades and brings neighboring and brotherly peoples closer together. It is symbolic that today's meeting at the headquarters of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly was attended by exactly 8 delegates from both the PRC and the leadership of the Assembly - a number that in the Chinese tradition symbolizes endless success and harmony of endeavors, which was entered in the minutes of this meeting. It is no less important that today, within the Astana Forum of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization States, the Republic of Belarus has become a full member of the SCO.
Today, the countries and peoples of the continent are united in the unity of their important meanings, and co-operation along the lines of public diplomacy between Eurasian nations is gaining new areas of development.
"Belarus' accession to the SCO will lead to the effect of even more intensive co-operation between our countries in both economic and public partnership," said Li Jun, Head of the delegation, former Deputy Head of the International Department of the CPC Central Committee, the central structure of Greater China's global humanitarian development decisions in the world in socially important areas.
Two Chinese diplomats attended today's meeting: Lu Xiaozun, Minister Counsellor-Counsellor of the Chinese Embassy in the Russian Federation, and Pu Yuzhao, a member of the diplomatic staff, but the main focus was on supranational projects. The Chinese Network of NGOs for International Exchanges CNIE is a consortium of civil society organizations with 310 NGOs.
More than 300 public projects outside China, including Central Asian and European states along the Silk Road, many of which are members of the SCO, have been implemented within the CNIE structures' activities. Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly Andrey Belianinov emphasized at the meeting with the Chinese guests the mutual understanding and coincidence of the tasks and goals of the activities of international NGOs, which traditionally receive a high level of support from the state and society in China. In recent years the CNIE has participated in such large-scale public events as the G20 Civil Society Conference, the Asia-European People's Forum, the World Social Forum, six "China-Africa" civil forums and other humanitarian projects, proving its worth as a powerful integrating humanitarian force in Eurasia and the world.
The Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly and the CNIE see the near future very similarly, in expanding co-operation in the most diverse spheres of public life. These are financial-economic and scientific-educational areas, for example, public-professional certification of educational institutions. There is experience of work with 7 Chinese universities, and of course, it forms common issues of education and inter-university exchange of students. The exchange of literary works of our neighboring countries, translations and distribution of literature is very promising.
Projects of joint activity in sports, holding classical and national competitions, in interfaith cooperation - and in 2025 the capital of the Republic of Kalmykia will host the World Buddhist Summit, and Elista is a center of attraction for Chinese tourists, tourism development and foreign economic cooperation are already in the roadmaps of the Assembly and the union of "external" Chinese NGOs. Valery Ruzin, Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, President of the Eurasian Academy of Television and Radio, the general organizer of the annual international film festival "Won Together" works very hard in this direction.
We have one thing in common - a very important thing, not subject to popular oblivion - our common historical memory. Next year will mark the 80th anniversary of the defeat of fascism and Nazism in the west of Eurasia, but the Second World War in the east of the continent began much earlier, and Japanese militarism brought unimaginable grief. The meeting has agreed the screening of Russian-Chinese films about the joint struggle of our states and peoples in that monstrous war, about the events of the national liberation front of the Chinese people against the militarist invaders.
The Russian-Chinese forum of cooperation in international communications and film industry is planned to be held in Sochi on October 12-14, this year, and the Assembly has already worked out joint activities with 24 Chinese film companies. Projects of joint activities in public areas will be scaled beyond the continent. Head of the Sustainable Development Directorate of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly Dr Yaser Allaham proposed to create CNIE representative offices in the countries of the League of Arab States and OIC. In the Islamic world, the Assembly is represented by reliable partners, and the presence of Chinese public diplomacy in this important region of the world can only be welcomed.