The State Children's Library will host the International Children's Book Day, which is celebrated worldwide on April 22. It will be held by the participants of the project "EURASIA KIDS". The organizers have prepared an extensive program. It started long before the holiday. The Children's Book Week held by the library has long been offering exciting events to young readers: master classes, meetings with interesting people, presentations of books and projects.
This year, on April 2, the participants of the project "EURASIA KIDS" will attend online events. They will learn about their favorite fairy tales that they will see on the big screen: masterpieces of author's animation for children). The guys will watch the movie "Palma" (family; 2020, director Alexander Domogarov, Jr.) and a meet with actors Viktor Dobronravov and Valeria Fedorovich. Younger children will go on a Cruise without visas, where they will learn about the traditions of Indonesia.
Later in the evening, the guys will have a concert "Under the Inspiration’s wing ...» It will be presented by students of the Children's Music School named after V. A. Mozart. The program is dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the K. I. Chukovsky.
This year, most of the events are dedicated to the great children's writer Korney Chukovsky. The heroes of his books Aibolit, Moidodyr, Barmaley were in the childhood of many children. This year marks the 140th anniversary of the birth of the writer.
Recall that the International Children's Book Day is celebrated annually on the birthday of the great storyteller from Denmark Hans Christian Andersen (Hans Christian Andersen). Its celebration was established in 1967 on the initiative and decision of the International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY).
On this day, the organizers of the event emphasize with special enthusiasm that it is necessary to read good books from an early age, thereby promoting the enduring role of children's books in shaping the spiritual and intellectual appearance of new generations of the Earth.
Kirill Chirkov