On February 15, the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations “Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly” opened an educational online lecture course within the project “Heritage of Eurasia: Rural Territories”. The project received support from the Presidential Foundation for Cultural Initiatives. The partners of the educational program were experts from the Center for Social Technologies “A Cause with Meaning”
“Rural communities are the foundation of our future. They must be developed, for in them lies the essence of our strength. An important task, in my opinion, is to strengthen vertical and horizontal ties, not only within countries, but also at the international level. And the closer this connection is, the stronger will be the foundations on which rural culture and rural communities rest today. Events held in rural areas vary in scale, form, theme, genres of folk art and target audience. They often become a kind of brand of regions in different countries and even a brand of countries. But together they are aimed at introducing wide sections of the population to genuine culture, creating a sense of awareness of their cultural roots and, at the same time, global unity,” said Svetlana Smirnova, project leader, First Deputy Secretary General - Head of the General Secretariat of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly.
Participation in the project will allow rural activists to become part of the Eurasian community of authors of cultural projects, increase the level of competence in the field of preserving ethnocultural heritage through mastering the practice of project activities, meet experts in the field of rural development, exchange experiences, and build network cooperation in the Eurasian space.
Active participants in the educational module and the project as a whole will be invited to Moscow for a two-day Forum and will be rewarded with educational grants in the form of the opportunity to participate in an educational internship.
“The village is the main thing. In rural areas it is possible to create an excellent civil society, we must strive for this. Young, trained and qualified specialists will help with this. Good luck to us!” - noted Banu Nirgazieva, President of the Civil Alliance of Kazakhstan, member of the National Kurultai, member of the Organizing Committee of the project “Heritage of Eurasia: Rural Communities”.
At the first introductory session, the objectives of the project were once again outlined: support for rural cultural initiatives aimed at preserving folk traditions, ethnic characteristics, and cultural heritage of peoples; searching for interesting forms of preserving cultural heritage in rural areas and disseminating experience in other countries and regions; assistance to local activists in improving their skills, teaching new forms and methods of ethnocultural work in rural areas; building a network platform for interaction between rural areas, forming a community of rural leaders capable of qualitatively changing the appearance of the village, increasing cultural heritage.
“The SCO Center for Public Diplomacy in Uzbekistan is just beginning to work with rural communities and this is a very useful and interesting experience. We ourselves are interested in studying the experience of experts in this matter,” emphasized Sabirov Kabulzhon, Director of the SCO Center for Public Diplomacy in Uzbekistan, member of the Organizing Committee of the project “Heritage of Eurasia: Rural Communities”.
At the next stages of the project, it is planned to hold a Forum and full-time internship of participants, which will help form network initiatives in preserving cultural heritage in the Eurasian space. And the final stage will be the release of an interactive online exhibition of the best cultural practices of rural areas of the Eurasian space, which will become a kind of generalization and demonstration of the project achievements. A special project portal will appear very soon.
Link to the recording of the seminar here: https://youtu.be/ctESTwDDQ7I?si=37ZuFE51Ph-_XvLv
Regulations on the competition: https://disk.yandex.ru/i/rKsVdqsJUPSYRg
Date: 21/02/2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 11.00-12.30
Topic: “Rural areas as cultural drivers of civil society. Value leadership."
What is value leadership and why modern leaders need it. The problems value leadership solves. How value leadership and building sustainable communities are related. What are values, how value communication between people works. Value moderation as a tool for future leaders. 8 win – 8 successful strategies in times of uncertainty for the development of the territory in the business-administration-society triangle.
Expert: PONOMAREV Dmitry Sergeevich, founder of the Center for Social Technologies “A Cause with Meaning”, “School of Confidential Communication and Value Moderation”, expert of working groups of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, Ambassador of Peace, developer of educational programs in communication and management, founder of a new management models based on values (8win), expert consultant on integral development of leaders and creation of living teams.
Login to the online conference using the link:
ID: 850 1875 7192
Access code: 064299
Date: 22/02/2024 (Thursday)
Time: 11.00-12.30
Topic: “The Economics of Partnership: Cooperation Despite Differences. Value leadership approaches in building local communities.”
Creation and development of local communities. What unites, inspires and holds people together? How to create assistance and overall results even with minimal budgets. What characteristics should a community and its leader have, what principles should be its basis. Let's try to find a formula for success in group work.
Experts: Natalya Borisovna KHRULENKO, member of the core community of Sber mentors, gestalt therapist, business consultant on value leadership.
POVARNITSYN Anatoly Nikolaevich, leader of the “A Cause with Meaning” community, a circle of cooperation, initiator of the creation of the informal social movement “National Saving”. Author of the book “The Word about the Artel”. Sociotechnologist, coordinator of “group dynamics”. Comrade of the ataman of the Dolzhanskaya Hundred of the Oryol Economic Union of Cossacks. Initiator of the organization of TOS "Adrianovka-Novosergenvka", Dolzhansky district, Oryol region.
Login to the online conference using the link:
ID: 861 2861 6947
Access code: 696582
Date: 27/02/2024 (Tuesday)
Time: 11.00-12.30
Topic: “Small territories, big opportunities. Application of value moderation tools for effective communication between business, society and government.”
The main problems in communication between people, what causes them (Communication 1.0 and Communication 2.0). Tools for creating trust in communication: rules, attunement, deep listening, picking up and strengthening. Application of value moderation tools for the development of territories (using the example of the “Happy City” project).
Experts: Olga Mikhailovna BYCHKOVSKAYA, value moderator, methodologist, author and presenter of educational programs at the School of Confidential Communication and Value Moderation, director of the ANO Center for Social Technologies “A Cause with Meaning.”
Elena Aleksandrovna DIDENKO, project marketer for the development of territories of the Center for Business with Meaning, co-author and coordinating director of the Russian Tuscany festival, coordinator of the Vorsma project office, ideologist and manager of the Vorsma Knife museum, developer of tourist routes, professional guide, value moderator. Head of the Heritage Leaders educational program.
Login to the online conference using the link:
Conference ID: 828 6595 4101
Access code: 487798
Date: 28/02/2024 (Wednesday)
Time: 11.00 - 12.30
Topic: Workshop on confidential communication.
Experts: The team of value moderators of the Center for Social Technologies “Dealing with Meaning” under the leadership of Irina Valerievna CHEBYKINA – value moderator, head of the “Introduction to Trusted Communication” program.
Login to the online conference using the link:
Conference ID: 825 4153 3349
Access code: 025834