The delegation of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly visited the tomb of the Prophet Daniel in Samarkand as part of its visit to Uzbekistan.
The holy place is revered by believers of all religions. Every day thousands of pilgrims flock here: Christians, Jews and Muslims. There is a spring with healing water nearby, and a large pistachio bush, which is more than 500 years old, grows near the tomb. The six-domed mausoleum erected over the grave of the saint (five domes survived) symbolizes the branches of an ancient tree.
One amazing story that happened at the turn of the 21st century is connected with it. The years did not spare the silent witness of the miracles proceeding from the tomb of the holy prophet, and the bush withered. The area around the mausoleum began to be reconstructed and put in order. The old withered trunk, similar to a skeleton, was repeatedly going to be cut down. But a prophecy was kept among the people that one day the grave of the prophet Daniel would be visited by a righteous man, whose prayer would bring the tree back to life.
In the autumn of 1996, during the celebration of the 125th anniversary of the Tashkent Orthodox diocese, Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia visited the tomb of the saint. He consecrated the grave and offered prayers at the pistachio tree, sprinkling holy water on it as well. And in the spring of the following year, a miracle happened, the news of which spread throughout Samarkand and far beyond its borders. The old tree was in bloom. Since then, the pistachio bush has seemed to have found a new life and continues to bloom every year, testifying to us about the grace-filled power of prayer.
It is known that the Uzbeks still love and honor Alexy II very much, remembering his name with gratitude. The miracle associated with his prayer at the tomb of the holy prophet became a great joy for believers of all religions.
The delegation of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly sincerely thanks the Deputy Chairman of the Society of Warriors-Internationalists of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sharaf Safarov, Mr. Kosimak and all his friends in Uzbekistan for the opportunity to touch the great shrine and historical monument, uniting admirers and like-minded people from all over the world.