On the photo: Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly Mikhail Fedorov (left) and Chairman of the Council for Science and Continuing Education of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly Mikhail Balyhin (right)
Online Forum “Dialogue between Generations: a Multipolar World for the Future”, dedicated to 75th anniversary of the End of the Second World War and the establishment of the United Nations (UN) took place at the Moscow state University of food production (MGUPP). The Forum was organized by the Council for Science and Continuing Education of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly.
The UN Information Centre in Moscow supported the Forum.
The purpose of the Forum is to initiate an international intergenerational discussion, to draw attention to the inadmissibility of inciting hostility in society, regional conflicts, wars, terrorism and other negative manifestations; to show the special importance of science and education in creating peace, friendship and harmony, harmonious development of society, and truly effective cooperation between countries and peoples.
The event was opened by Svetlana Smirnova, First Deputy Secretary General - Head of the General Secretariat of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, Vladimir Kuznetsov, Director of the UN Information Centre in Moscow, and Mikhail Balykhin, Chairman of the Council for Science and Continuing Education of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, rector of MGUPP.
The Forum was attended by: Aslan Aslan Abashidze, Vice-Chairman of the UN Committee for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Head of the International Law Commission of the United National Association of Russia; Vladimir Kazimirov, ex Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, retired, member of veterans of the Russian Foreign Ministry (Russia); Bernard Loze, Co-Chairman of the General Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, Vice President of the Franco-Russian Dialogue Association (France); Dalbir Singh, Co-Chairman of the General Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, National Secretary of the Indian National Congress, President of the Policy and Governance Foundation (India); Igor Khalevinski, Co-Chairman of the General Council of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, Chairman of the Association of Russian Diplomats (Russia); Vladimir Zakharov, the Representative of the United Nations (Belgium); Ravi Sachdev, Executive Director of ADT (India); Angela Scriptures, CEO of the Charity Fund “Worthy of Memory” (Russia); Jiang Yanbin, Chairman of the Board of the Regional public organization of Confucianism Experts (China); Aniset Kachofa, High Commissioner of EECO for International Relations - Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Economic Cooperation Organization (Benin); Eduard Lozansky, President of the American University in Moscow (USA); Yurijus Trakshyalis, Chairman of the Institute of Military Heritage, Honorary Member of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation (Lithuania); Valentin Petrov, co-founder of the Bulgarian Sustainable Development Fund (Bulgaria); Alexander Kovriga, Vice President of the Association of Education and Science Managers (Ukraine); Marina Judd, Director of the Academy for Holistic Human Development (UAE); Anastasia Paramonova, Director of development company “City Quarter” (Russia); Kristina Tatarnikov, co-Chair of the Coordinating Council of the Eurasian Youth Assembly (Russia); Leonid Shtern, President of the International Shukhov Foundation (Russia); Vladimir Yurteev, First Vice-President – co-Chairman of the Board of the National Technological Chamber (Russia).
The participants discussed the role of the UN in the development of international relations in modern geopolitical conditions, threats to international security and ways to overcome them, education and the potential of knowledge as the main factor of stability of the world community, the legacy of Victory, the continuity of generations, and many other topics.
Mikhail Balykhin, Chairman of the Council for Science and Continuing Education, rector of MGUPP, speaking at the Forum, noted: “It is symbolic that the Forum is held on the site of our University. It is not only because I head the Council in the Assembly, which is one of the main organizers of this Forum. According to the Millennium Declaration adopted by the UN in 2000, the problem of poverty and hunger is the number one problem of humanity on the planet. Unfortunately, in the context of the pandemic, it has only increased. So, the Head of the UN World Food Program, David Beasley, said that the world after the COVID-19 pandemic expects “a famine of biblical proportions”. The role of our University, which is one of the largest food universities in the post-Soviet space, in solving this problem is extremely important, and our team has a great responsibility for ensuring food security.”
Mikhail Balykhin noted the special role of education in the modern world. This is a global good that has been created by humanity and is the most important stage in the development of a citizen of any state. “I believe that the leitmotif associated with continuing education, with enlightenment, is the general cross-cutting line that should be discussed always and everywhere. For a person, this is exactly the fireproof position that can be obtained once in a lifetime and this is a unique benefit that is not given to everyone. Global problems and challenges, including those related to epidemics, create barriers to access to education. That is why the University of food production took the initiative to establish the Eurasian University of Open Education. This is a University that will implement international educational and educational programs not for higher education, but for additional professional education related to master classes and other educational events, where any citizen of our planet can receive this benefit. We plan to make it accessible not only from the point of view of communication, but also from the point of view of free training.”
According to rector Mikhail Balykhin, there is now an attempt to change, reduce the importance of the continuity of generations, as well as “reformat” history. “It is these attempts to interpret historical facts as someone wants, reduce the possibility of proper continuity of generations. No wonder they say: “A nation that does not know its past has no future.” The continuity of generations is the system when those who already have a lot of experience and a serious body of knowledge behind them are not afraid to pass on to young people all the key, honest things that have been in history, are and will be. However, there is still a very important issue of educating children to perceive this, to listen, to analyse and to respect historical facts. Therefore, for me, as for a person who honours history, respects our country, our society, I am happy to say that we hold our events under the auspices of various memorable events. This is the tool that we impose on young people so that they know and understand that the future of any society is built on the basis of history. This is extremely important. However, this couldn’t be solved by a single event, this requires a systematic approach. It is pleasant to know that MGUPP, being a key educational and technological centre of the country, is included in the cohort of universities that have been delegated the right to cultivate these social benefits, to form the continuity of generations - this is a great honour for us,” - Mikhail Balykhin said.
At the end of the Forum, Mikhail Fedorov, Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, President of the Association of managers of education and science, presented the participants with a Resolution that was unanimously adopted as a basis.
The Forum was symbolically closed with a Peace Bell by Masha Koteneva, a participant of the EURASIA KIDS Humanitarian project of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly (Russia). The girl recited the poem “Let there be Peace!” by Olga Maslova.
Read also: Andrey Belyaninov: UN has been established for “Together”