On December 4, Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly Andrei Belyaninov took part in the conference “Russia-Eurasia: the Values of Peace for States and Peoples”, organized by the Foundation for the Support and Development of Jewish Culture, Traditions, Education and Science and the Foundation for Interaction of Civilizations.
In his welcoming speech to the conference participants Andrei Belyaninov said:
- The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly actively works on the Eurasian continent, forming a social integration model in the name of establishing peace and harmony, This becomes possible largely thanks to our experts. The project “Russia-Eurasia: Cultural Policy in Strengthening Interethnic Peace and Interreligious Harmony” you implement, the goals and objectives of the conference “Russia-Eurasia: The Values of Peace for States and Peoples” fully correspond to the essence and spirit of the Assembly. The Eurasian Peoples' Assembly is interested in cooperation with public organizations and associations of our continent. We invite you all to join us.
We believe that the cause of peace is the work of the whole world. We all, regardless of ethnicity, race, nationality, religion, social status, political, worldview and ideological convictions, have common goals and aspirations: to make the life of every person stable and dignified, without wars, violence and suffering.