Videoconference “International Patriotic Action “Road of Life - Road of Military Glory” Take Place in Early June

22/05/2020 13:18

In early June, the Representation of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly in the Leningrad Region and its partners will hold a video conference “International Patriotic Action “Road of Life - Road of Military Glory”.

Veterans’ organizations of Russian and foreign blockaders, national communities and diasporas, international public organizations, representatives of traditional religions, scientists and cultural figures, deputies of the Legislative Assembly and the State Duma, and other public figures are invited to participate.

Military transport road No. 101/102, called the Road of Life, is a symbol of the courage and heroism of the defenders of Leningrad. Representatives of different nationalities and different faiths, military personnel and civilians stood to death for 872 days and defended the besieged Leningrad.

The upcoming videoconference aims to honor the memory of the courage and heroism of the defenders, to promote the unity of the multinational community of Russia and the countries of the former USSR in the joint memory of the great multinational victorious people.

The legendary Road of Life should take its rightful place in the ranks of Hero Cities and Cities of Military Glory; it should be awarded the title “Road of Military Glory”, following the example of the Brest Fortress.

In addition, at the video conference it  is planned to discuss and publish the stages and roadmap of the project “Road of Life - Road of Military Glory”. The project is a part of the International Megaproject of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly “VICTORIOUS TOGETHER - for Peace and Creation”. If you have any questions about participating in the video conference or the project, please contact:

Details of the project “Road of Life - Road of Military Glory” PDF

Page of the Representation of the Eurasian Peoples’ in the Leningrad Region