Round table "Key Factors of Digital Transformation for Sustainable Development of Regions" | 08/12/2021

05/08/2021 15:21

On August 12, the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Eurasian Peoples' Assembly" together with partners will hold a round table "Key factors of digital transformation for sustainable development of regions" at the "Digital Evolution" Forum, which will take place on August 12-13 in Kaluga (Russia).

In the modern world, digitalization is an integral part of the innovative development of countries and regions, one of the global trends in the world economy. This is evidenced by the exceptional attention paid to this topic both at the level of individual states and in the international cooperation, in particular within such regional organizations as the SCO and BRICS. Digitalization is gaining particular importance in the context of a sharp technological leap in recent decades, as well as the COVID-19 pandemic, which revealed an urgent need for profound changes in the approach to digital transformation.

Interstate cooperation in digitalization is carried out, among other things, with the help of digital diplomacy, the role of which has grown significantly during the pandemic.

“The Eurasian Peoples 'Assembly considers digital diplomacy as a mechanism for strengthening peace and harmony in interstate relations, as well as one of the channels of cooperation within the digital transformation,” - says Andrei Belyaninov, Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly.

This trend dictated the active participation of the Russian Federation in the discussion of strengthening information technology cooperation within the SCO and BRICS, as well as work on digital transformation within the country. One of its tasks is to ensure sustainable socio-economic growth of the Russia’s regions. In this regard, certain changes in the digital policy of the regions are seen as necessary, as well as the introduction of a fundamentally new toolkit for working with information.

Within this system, a special role is assigned to the regions, which will be connected by “digital bridges” that ensure the exchange of information, ready-made models and processes to accelerate the pace of socio-economic development.

  • In Russia, the regions are completing the development of the Strategies for the digital transformation of the constituent entities. Mandatory areas: education and science, healthcare, urban development, transport and logistics, public administration, social sphere. Ecology is absent as a mandatory area, although it is one of the three criteria for assessing sustainable development. But the regions have the opportunity to include additional areas based on the specifics of the subject. What comes to the fore: ensuring a client-centric model of the public administration system, the need to achieve sustainable development in the region, or are there other, more urgent tasks?
  • Article 75.1 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation indicates the need to create conditions for sustainable economic growth of the country. Sustainable economic growth is one of the most important components in the balance of the so-called ESG criteria (E (environmental) - ecology, the surrounding world; S (social) - social sphere; G (governance), indicators recognized by the international community within the UN initiatives on sustainable development of not only corporations and regions, but also states in general. Achieving the optimal balance of ESG criteria without the widespread use of modern digital technologies and arrays of accumulated and generated data seems extremely difficult or impossible. What’s going on now? To what extent is the region's data used to improve the quality of management decisions, planning and forecasting the most important processes of the city's life?
  • The digital twin of a region is a set of digital twins of all objects, digital models of processes on the territory of the subject. Different cities and regions approach the creation of digital twins in different ways; for many, the creation of digital twins of socio-economic, socio-political processes of a high degree of reliability seems to be an insoluble task at the current stage of development of methods and technologies, including technologies for working with data. What groundwork does our country have in this area?

The round table "Key factors of digital transformation for sustainable development of regions" will be devoted to the discussion of data and other issues.

It will be attended by representatives of the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Eurasian Peoples' Assembly", the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, the National Centre for Defence Management of the Russian Federation, administrations and governments of the Kaluga Region, St. Petersburg; Belgorod Region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, InfoWatch, SPbPU, Federal Service for Technical and Export Control, Rusatom Infrastructure Solutions JSC, Tsifrum private institution for digitalization of the nuclear industry (Rosatom State Corporation), ANO Tsifrovaya Economy, Digital Twin, Budget and Financial Technologies LLC, CRT group of companies, Mobile TeleSystems PJSC, Softline group of companies, Lanit-Integration LLC and other companies and organizations.

About the Forum "Digital Evolution"

The Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation together with the Government of the Kaluga Region will hold the Forum “Digital Evolution” on August 12-13, 2021. The purpose of the event is to provide an opportunity for an open and constructive discussion of practical solutions in digital transformation of industries. The Forum is intended to stimulate natural (evolutionary) digital changes that will ensure the sustainable development of sectors of the economy, public administration and the social sphere. Forum website -