Cycle of Russian-Chinese Meetings "Garden of the Future": "Garden of Health"

01/09/2022 11:40

In the cycle of Russian-Chinese meetings "Garden of the Future" a meeting was held under the name "Garden of Health".

The event was welcomed by Sergey Sanakoev, Deputy Chairman of the Russian-Chinese Friendship Society, Deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly, member of the Russian International Affairs Council, one of the best experts in the field of Russian-Chinese cooperation.

“This is a very important and relevant initiative of the Russian-Chinese public diplomacy, which will help Russia and China form new areas of successful cooperation and strengthen existing ones,” - Sergei Sanakoev emphasized.

“We are creating the future now. To be happy tomorrow, you need to build a happy today.”
Chinese wisdom

The cycle was co-organized by a member of the General Council, Chairman of the Eurasian Tourism Security Council of the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly, author and head of the CIS + WORLD International Program, Confucius Tourism Ambassador (2018), China Happiness Ambassador (2021) Anastasia Pavlova and the Chinese corporation Huaming represented by the General director of Huaming Solux International Travel LLC, an experienced expert in the field of complex Russian-Chinese communications Han Xuemei.

The Chinese International Investment Corporation Huaming (CMIK Huaming) was established in accordance with the instructions of the leadership of the State Council of China to build and manage the China Business Center in Moscow.

Han Xuemei warmly greeted all the participants of the meeting in perfect Russian and invited to cooperate.

“Today, when Russia and China are strategic partners in various areas of cooperation, it is high time to speak together and create the Russian-Chinese Garden of the Future. Garden in the broadest sense of the word. May people in this Garden be healthy and educated, athletic, cultured. Let there be delicious treats in this garden. Let new ideas be born in this Garden, new projects are created that will help Russia and China become even closer to each other,” - said Han Xuemei.

Health Garden

“Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has recently been recognized as a very effective healing system, including here in Russia. Even in wide circles of medicine, it is now fully recognized. TCM is based on a millennial and proven tradition and covers much more than just acupuncture. At the same time, the ancient Chinese were greatly benefited by their excellent ability to perceive reality. They created a model that made it possible to understand a person as a whole, as an inseparable unity of body, spirit and soul. Therefore, TCM treatment is based on the principle of integrity. It considers all three mentioned aspects. In addition, the Chinese doctor will always prescribe you a treatment that is personally oriented to your body,” said the Director of the International School of Oriental Medicine, President of the Association of Specialists in Traditional Oriental Chinese Medicine, Vice President of the Beijing Institute of Chinese Medicine. Han Lingtang in Moscow Huang Gojun (Beijing, China).

Development of a network of resorts using holistic methods based on the synergy of two medicines: Russian and Chinese

Tatyana Mamontova, a member of Delovaya Rossiya and the founder of the Chinese health resort Lago Naki in Adygea, proposed to recognize TCM methods in Russia at least as traditional medicine methods for the purpose of official certification or as a separate direction in medicine. Tatyana Mamontova touched upon the topic of joint centers for training specialists for the development of medical resorts both in the Russian Federation and in China. They should be, on the one hand, teaching the methods of TCM, on the other hand, manual practices of the Western and Russian traditions (massages, kinesiology, osteopathy). The expert suggested using her Lago-Naki health resort as a medical rehabilitation institution as a platform for internships for applicants from such training centers.

Issues of recognition and development of TCM methods in Russia, the introduction of TCM as traditional medicine for the purpose of official certification of specialists in this field or as a separate area in medicine, the opening and development of joint Russian-Chinese centers for training specialists, medical tourism for the development of medical resorts in the Russian Federation, the creation a single database of certified BMT specialists or doctors with a practice of ten years or more became the topic of the speech of Svetlana Goreva, Advisor to the Governor of the Ulyanovsk Region.

Garden of the Future welcomed by:

  • Moscow Society of Confucian Experts, represented by Chairman Mr. Jiang Yang Bin;
  • Bryansk and Ivanovo regions represented by international health improvement expert, creator of the immune system Irina Kuzmina, representatives of Mihail family investment Ltd (a company from Hong Kong, China) Chai YungChao and Chao Dongliang.

In addition, the initiative was supported by representatives of Beijing, Shanghai, Harbin, as well as the Chinese provinces of Shandong, Shanxi, Sichuan, Henan, Guangzhou, Qingdao, Shenzhen.

The cycle was also welcomed by representatives of the Yaroslavl, Ryazan, Murmansk, Kaluga, Tula regions of Russia, Tatarstan, the Chechen Republic, Dagestan, Krasnodar Territory, Yugra, Yakutia, Altai Territory, Novosibirsk Region, St. Petersburg.

A separate greeting to the "Health Garden" cycle came from the Chinese island of Hainan.

Dear friends!

As Tropical Tourism Ambassador of the CIS+WORLD program, I wholeheartedly welcome the participants of the Russian-Chinese meeting "Garden of the Future: Health, Education".

Our "Tropical Embassy" of the "CIS + WORLD" program is based on the tropical Chinese island of Hainan. As many of you probably know, Hainan is the most ecologically clean province of the Heavenly Empire, which the PRC authorities cherish as a pearl of tropical recreation. Moreover, China is actively sharing this pearl with the whole world. Since the early 2000s, the concept of "International Tourist Island" has been implemented here, the tourist and health programs of which have already been used by many guests of the island from all over the world. Leading organizations such as the Lechen International Medical Tourism Cluster, the Hi-Vision Laser Vision Clinic, Chinese medicine clinics and centers offer unique health recovery opportunities that are not available anywhere else in the world.

Since 2018, the construction of the world's largest free trade port (FTA) with Chinese characteristics has been underway throughout Hainan Island. In the General Plan for the Construction of the Hainan PTS and in the National Law of the PRC on the Hainan PTS, an important link is the development of an international education network in Hainan. One of the 11 major clusters of accelerated development in Hainan is the International Education Innovation Pilot Zone in Lingshui County (on the southeast coast of the island). The main directions of the cluster: hosting well-known international universities and schools, Sino-foreign cooperation to manage schools and universities. Objectives: to actively introduce domestic and foreign first-class educational resources, develop high-level collaborative universities, schools and educational projects, host independent foreign first-class engineering universities, develop influential educational institutions and educational service institutions, establish a national education innovation and development demonstration zone, a high-quality international and innovative talent training base, and cooperate with Belt and Road countries to send students to study abroad. In addition, an entire student city with three universities and a number of colleges is located in the island's capital, Haikou. Hainan is the only region in China where the independent operation of foreign schools and universities is allowed under the PST policy.

In this regard, our tropical island offers unique conditions for cooperation in the field of health and education, and we invite everyone interested in these opportunities to cooperate through the CIS + WORLD program.

One of the clearest examples of such cooperation is the signing of an agreement on sister city relations between the province of Hainan and the Grodno region of the Republic of Belarus, the roadmap for which includes a number of projects in the field of education and healthcare.

Taking this opportunity, I wish all participants of the meeting health, happiness and prosperity!


Tropical Tourism Ambassador of the "CIS + WORLD" program, Vice-President of the Sanya CCI, Director of the Belarusian Cultural and Information Point in Hainan PST, General Director of SemProGroup Hainan Radyuk M.S.

“Self-improvement is the road to health and longevity…”
From the book "Chinese Medicine for Health and Longevity"

Yulia Luzina, an innovative teacher, expressed her gratitude to the organizers of the unique project "Garden of the Future".

"Garden of Health" and "Garden of Education" is a new round in the approach and attitude to life in our time of change, the time of moving forward, the rapprochement of cultures, awareness of ourselves, the disclosure of all the potentials of our human nature. Our body is amazing, it responds to joy, to the energy of life and is able to work miracles if it feels a reason ...

We are even closer to China than it seems, I am glad of our friendship with this country of great wisdom, great culture, history and traditions. The well-known "Book of Changes" is the property and heritage of the great Chinese civilization, its wisdom. Let the best of our cultures and historical values ​​unite in partnership, in friendship at a good new level of interaction and development in many areas! Good luck and prosperity to the Huaming Corporation, the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly and the CIS + WORLD program! Many thanks and best wishes for the development of the joint Russian-Chinese project "Garden of the Future"! - said Yulia Luzina.