Address of the Secretary-General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly on the Spread Coronavirus

30/03/2020 18:05

Secretary-General of the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations the Eurasian Peoples’ Assembly Andrey Belyaninov addressed all the peoples of the world on the spread of the coronavirus pandemic. Andrey Belyaninov noted that "it is possible to defend life on the planet only together, fully armed with mind and responsibility."

The address states:

“Dear friends!

We are going through a time of trials today. Such periods have been in the history of the Earth, and each time mankind came out of them with renewed experience and consciousness.

Today is our turn. Peoples not only in Eurasia, but all over the world faced a new disease, which overcame the borders erected by people. The pandemic reminded us that the Earth is our common home and we are all one human family. It is possible to defend life on the planet only together, fully armed with mind and responsibility of everyone.

I am sure that we will overcome the challenge with the right and coherent actions. We have the experience of generations, wisdom of traditions and eternal belief in the best.

And today we must help each other to be reasonable and forward-thinking, attentive and caring, responsible for our own lives and lives of all who are close.

The cause of peace must be decided by the whole world.

Secretary-General of the Eurasian Peoples' Assembly

Andrey Belyaninov”